Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/5

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Ol" *1113 PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS , CONTAINED IN VOLUME NINTH. Clcte of tl): dmzntmnintl) écngrrzz of tl): Unite}! Etatrs. STATUTE I. —- 1845-6. . N- Law: of the United State: extended over Texan. An act to extend the laws of the United States over the State of Texas, and for other purposes. Dec. 29, 1845, ch. 1. .. 1 Collection District established in Teens. An act to establish a collection district in the State ofTexas,and forother purpose:. Dec. 31, 1845,ch.2. .. ... 2 Additional Inspector-General in the Army to be appointed. An act to repeal the act which abolished the office or une nf the inspectors-general of the army, and to revive and estahliehsaidodiee. Jau.12,184b,e11.3. ... ... ... .. 2 Cmnmtssioner of Pension:. An act to continue the office of the commissioner of pensiong. Jan. 14, 1846, ch. 4.. .. . ... . . . 3 Past Route: to and in Teen. An act establishing certain post routes. Feb. 6, 1846, (Repealed.) ch.6.. . . . ... . ... . . .. .. .. 3 Compensation and Accounts of Qfcen of the Cutmns. An act relative to collectors and other olhcers of the customs. Feb. 11, 1846, ch. 7... .. .. .._ . · . 3 Guardahuhip of Infant: and O1TAlII.I in the District of Columbia. An not to enlarge the powers of the several orphau•’Courts held in and for the District of Columbia. Feb. 20, 1846, ch. 8. . . . . .. l Residence of the Circuit Court Judge: of the Dirtriet of Columbia. An act to repeal the uct requiring one of the judges of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia hereafter toreaide in Alexandria. March 24, 1846, ch. 10. . .. . . . . . 5 American Hemp for lhelhvg. An met to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to contract. for the purchase of Americau water-rotted hemp for the use of the navy. March 30, 1846,ch.11.. ... ... .. . .. . .. ... ... 5 Peuuions, An act making appropriations for the pa nt. of rev l tionary and other pensions of the United States, for the year ending theihirtieth [og dune, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and for other purposes. May 7, 1846, ch. 13 . .. .. . . .. ... ... 5 Dejeiencie: in for supplied. An act to supply dencicnoiee in the appropriations for certain objects made for the service of the uacal year ending the tlurticth of Juno eighteen hundred and fortyqix. May 8, 1846, ch. 14 .. . . . 6 Public Lands, Entries on. An act to repeal a put of the act entitled “An not supplementary to the several laws for the ale of the {public lands," approved April SM1, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, an for other purposes. May 8, 1846, ch. 15 9 War with Medea, Recognition and Prosecution of An act providing for the proeecution of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico. May 13, 1846,eh.1 ... .. . . .. . . ... . .. , 9 Increase Amy. An act to authorize an increase of the rank and file of the army of the United States. May 13, 1846, ch. 17. .. .. . . .. . . ll (vi