Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/64

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38 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 38, 56, 60. 1846 chumn and Cc- of the sales of land made in the land offices at Chocchuma and Colum. 1““‘b"s*Mls g "“ bus in the State of Mississippi, as may be found, by the definitively. may be foun to » _ _ . . . be within the established line of the Chickasaw cession of one thousand eight hun- Q”l°k“S’“" ,°°?‘ dred and thirty-four, to be, in whole or part, within that cession, and

 §§;,,s]8;§°;Q the said sales are hereby confirmed and legalized; and for the purpose

cvqfirmed md 16- of indemnifying the Chickasaw tribe of indians for said sales, there- is gdgiiropriauuu hereby appropriated, out of any moneys 1D the treasury not otherwise rm- indemnifying appropriated, a sum of money equal to all which has been received the Chi°k”““'°· upon said sales, to the fund created by the treaty with said Chickasaw pm,,;,, tribe, and of right to them belonging: Provided, nevertheless, That this act shall not extend to any sale where the purchase money may have been refunded to the purchaser. Aiumovmn, July 15, 1846. July 15, l846· Gun. XXXVIII. —./2n dot ta change the Timo of holding the Federal Court in ·t*···; North Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senate and House if Representatives of the (3;,,,.,;; com-t United States of America in Congress assembled, That the circuit VQF North Cam- courts of the United States for the district of North Carolina shall be i$_';1fc§?,hb°gl,$ M12: held at Raleigh, on the first Monday in June and the first Monday in Monihjs in June December, instead of the times now prescribed by law; and all ““d D°°°mb°"· actions, suits, appeals, recognizances, processes, writs, and proceedings, whatever, pending, or which maybe pending, in said courts, or returnable thereto, shall have day therein, and be heard, tried, proceeded with, and decided, in like manner as if the time of holding said court had not hereby been altered. Anrnovmn, July 15, 1846. July 16, 1845. CHAP. LV 1. — An Act to establish the Collection District of Chicago. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Collection dis- United States of America in Congress assembled, That a collection trict 9f Chi°aS° district be, and hereby is, established upon the western shore of Lake °mbh°h°d' Michigan, to be called the District of Chicago, within which the port Chicago made of Chicago shall be a port of entry. The said district shall include the pvrr 0F e¤try· the territory, harbors, rivers, and waters, on the western shore of said lake Sum dismct from the line dividing the States of Indiana and Illinois, northward to designated- the town and River Sheboygan, and inclusive of the same, which are A collector to within the Territory of Wisconsin. A collector shall be appointed for be appointed. said district, who shall receive the same amount of annual compensation as the collector of the District of Michillimackinac. Approved, July 16, 1846. July 20, 1846. CHAP. LX.-./2n Act to exempt Canal Boats from the Payment of Fees and "';'_' Hnqpital Money. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Camlbcm Bx_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the owner or empted from the owners, master or captain, or other persons employed in navigating g:{',"‘°¤* if {FBS canal boats without masts or steam-power now by law required to be ospital - · · . ’ . m°ney_ reg1stered,l1censed, or enrolled and licensed, shall not be required pmons cm_ to pay any marine hospital tax or money; nor shall the persons ployecgcgivcthenns employed to navigate such boats receive any benefit or advantage benefit mm me from the marine hospital fund; nor shall such owner or owners, nospital fund. master or captain, or other persons, be required to pay fees, or make any compensation for such register, license, or enrolment and license,