Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/661

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 42, 43. 1851. 635 Cnr. XLII. - An Act to amend an Act entitled ** .611 Act allowing Compensation March 3, 1851. to the Members of the Senate, Members of the House of Representatives of the ——i;——-—- United States, and to the Delegates of the Territories, and repealing all other Laws on that Subject." (a) Be it enacted by the Senate and Hzrusc of Representatives of the United States of {Imzrzca uz Congress assembled, That from and after No senator to the passage of this act, no member of the Senate shall be entitled to receive mileage meive compensation for his attendance at the Senate, in the recess of ;‘f,§,,,f,lf,‘f,,§f’;s*°“ Congress, during such meeting of the Senate as may be called on the March 4, 1853, fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and on the °;*jm°:,j;{eafgej” fourth day of March in every fourth year thereafter, other than the irhewasameiaf eight dollars per diem for attendance, now allowed bylaw: Provided Per ¤f ¤<>¤s:re=s g . . ’ in the recedin That this act shall not apply to a senator, not a member of either house session? g of Congress at the expiration of the Congress preceding such called session of the Senate. Armzovnn, March 3, 1851. Cnr. XLIII.-An Act ta limit the Liability of Ship-Owners, and for other March 3, 1g5L Purposes. (b) -—-—» Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That no owner or _Owuers not owners of any ship or vessel shall be subject or liable to answer for or 1"‘bl°f°' d‘*““’·8"’ k d by ire not can ed ma. e goo to any one or more person or persons any loss or damage by their neglectwhich may happen to any goods or merchandize whatsoever, which shall be shipped, taken in, or put on board any such ship or vessel, by reason or by means of any tire happening to or on board the said ship or vessel, unless such fire is caused by the design or neglect of such owner or owners: Provided, That nothin in this act contained shall revent Parties me S P uy the parties from making such contract as they please, extending or YW their li¤b`· limiting the liability of ship-owners. m" by °°°t"°t' Sec._ 2. And be it further enacted, That if any shipper or shippers Ownggs not 0l`_plat1_na, gold, gold dust, silver, bullion, or other precious metals, H’*;’l°b€°¥ °°F2*i¤ coms, jewelry, bills of any bank or public body, diamonds or other $,1::, precious stones,. shall lade the same on board of any ship or vessel, given, &e. without, at the time of such lading, giving to the master, agent., owner or owners of the ship or ve sel receiving the same, a note in writing of the true character and value thereof, and have the same entered on the bp} of fading therefor, the master and owner or owners of the said vesse s al not be liable, as carriers thereof, in any form or manner. Nord shlall any such master or owners be liable for any such valuable _ Lirnitofliabip g00 S eyoud the value and according to the character thereof so WY in Q3" Q notified and entered. smh n°"°°° Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the liability of the owner Liability of 01* owners of any ship or vessel, for any embezzlement, loss, or de- €a';:°*,zS;g; Es; SU‘U0ll0n, by the master, officers, mariners, passengers, or any other to gxcggd the P€\‘SOH Of persons, of any property, goods, or merchandlzc, shipped Of Y¤1¤¤ ¤f_ tké! Put OH lloard of such ship or vessel, or for any loss, damage, Ot injury QI;;;;?: m nw by collision, or for any act, matter, or thing, loss, damage, or forfeitripe, dgne, occasioned, or incurred, without the privity or knowledge o suc owner or owners shall in no case exceed the amount or value of the interest of such ciwner or owners respectively, in such ship or vessel and her freight h d' » g then pen mg. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any such embezzlement,

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