Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1652

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976



Proclamations—Continued Presidential Protection Assistance Act Law Day, U.S.A., 1976 3081 of 1976 2475 Leif Erikson Day, 1976 3114 Presidential Science and Technology Loyalty Day, 1976 3091 Advisory Organization Act of Mark Twain National Forest, Mo., 1976 463 designation 3077 Presidential Transition Act of 1963: Meats, temporary quantitative limiAmendments 2380 tations on importation of certain Appropriation for effecting provibeef and veal from Canada, tersions 974, 1417 mination 3071 President's Biomedical Research Panel, disclosure of research inforMilk mixtures, dry, import limitamation, study 406 tion 3084 President's Committee on Science and Mother's Day, 1976 3088 National Bicentennial Highway Technology, establishment 468 Safety Year, designation 715 Prison Industries, Incorporated, FedNational Bicentennial Highway eral, appropriation for 946 Safety Year, 1976 3111 Prison System, Federal, appropriation National Day of Prayer, 1976 3083 for 621, 638, 652, 945 National Day of Prayer for AmeriPrisons, Bureau of: cans Missing in Action in SouthAppropriation for 945 east Asia 3075 Director, compensation 2426 National Defense Transportation Prisoners, suitability for parole, Day and National Transportastudy 223 tion Week, 1976 3093 Privacy Act of 1974: National Employ the Handicapped Amendments 1198 Week, 1976 3125 Appropriation for effecting proviNational Employ the Older Worker sions 958 Week, designation 396 Privacy Protection Study CommisNational Farm Safety Week, 1976 3082 sion: National Forest Products Week, Appropriation for 623, 644, 958 1976 3119 Authorization of funds 1198 National Good Neighbor Day, 1976 3104 Fiscal year expenditure limitation, National Hispanic Heritage Week, removal 1198 1976 3122 Proclamations: National Historic Preservation American Heart Month, 1976 3076 Week 1976 3099 An American Promise 3078 National Maritime Day, 1976 3092 Bicentennial Independence Day 3110 National Poison Prevention Week, Bicentennial Year, The 3072 1976 3077 Brooms, wholly or in part of broom National Rural Health Week, 1976 3086 corn, modification of tariff-rate National Safe Boating Week, 1976 3094 quota 3103 National School Lunch Week, 1976 3124 Cancer Control Month, 1976 3085 National Tennis Week, 1976 3100 Captive Nations Week, 1976 3112 National Volunteer Firemen Week, Ceramic tableware, extension and designation 2079 modification of certain increased Older Americans Month, 1976 3087 rates of duty 3096 Pan American Day and Pan AmeriChild Health Day, 1976 3127 can Week, 1976 3089 Citizenship Day and Constitution Petroleum and petroleum products, Week, 1976 3123 import modification 3073 Columbus Day, 1976 3118 Prayer for Peace Memorial Day, Country Music Month, 1976 3128 May 31, 1976 3100 Earth Week, 1976 3095 Red Cross Month, 1976 3079 Father's Day, 1976 3101 Save Your Vision Week, 1976 3080 Fire Prevention Week, 1976 3116 Small Business Week, 1976 3090 Flag Day and National Flag Week, Space Exploration Day, 1976 3113 1976 3102 Steel, stainless or alloy tool, certain General Pulaski's Memorial Day, articles, temporary quantitative 1976 3120 limitation on importation into Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park, Alaska-Wash.United States 3105 Canada, designation authorizaSugars, sirups and molasses, tariffs tion 718, 719 on certain, modification 3126 NOTK: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.