Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/234

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 184

7 USC 1352.

Set-aside of cropland.

PUBLIC LAW 94-214—FEB. 16, 1976 crops. The loans and purchases for the 1976 and 1977 crops shall be made available to cooperators on a farm with respect to a quantity of rice determined by multiplying the allotment by the yield established for the farm, as determined in the manner described in the second sentence of paragraph (4) of this subsection. "(3) The Secretary shall make available to cooperators payments for each of the 1976 and 1977 crops of rice grown in the several States of the United States at a rate equal to the amount by which the established price for the crop of rice exceeds the higher of— "(A) the national average market price received by farmers during the first five months of the marketing year for such crop, as determined by the Secretary; or "(B) the loan level determined under paragraph (2) for such crop. " (4) The payments for the 1976 and 1977 crops shall be made available to cooperators on a farm with respect to a quantity of rice determined by multiplying the allotment by the yield established for the farm. The yield for the farm for any year shall be determined on the basis of the actual yields per harvested acre for the three preceding years: Provided, That the actual yields shall be adjusted by the Secretary for abnormal yields in any year caused by drought, flood, other natural disaster, or condition beyond the control of the cooperator. If the Secretary determines that the persons involved in producing rice on a farm are prevented from planting all or any portion of the acreage allotments of producers on the farm or farm acreage allotment to rice or other nonconserving crop, because of droughts, flood, or other natural disaster or condition beyond the control of the producer, the rate of payment with regard to such acres so affected shall be the larger of (A) the foregoing rate, or (B) one-third of the established price, except that the Secretary shall make no payment pursuant to this sentence on a farm from which acres were transferred under section 352(d) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 with respect to the transferred acreage. If the Secretary determines that, because of such disaster or condition, the total quantity of rice which the persons involved in producing rice are able to harvest on any farm is less than 66% per centum of the acreage allotments of producers on the farm or of the farm acreage allotment times the yield of rice established for the farm, the rate of payment for the deficiency in production below 100 per centum shall be the larger of (A) the foregoing rate, or (B) one-third of the established price. Any payment made under the previous two sentences with regard to acres transferred under section 352(d) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 shall be calculated with respect to the farm yield established on the farm to which such acres were transferred. "(5)(A) The Secretary may provide for a set-aside of cropland for a crop of rice if he estimates (without taking into consideration the effect of a set-aside), that the carryover of rice for the marketing year beginning in the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which such crop will be grown will exceed 15 per centum of the total supply of rice for the marketing year beginning in the calendar year in which such crop will be grown. The Secretary shall make a preliminary determination prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which such crop will be grown and a final determination not later than April 1 of the calendar year in which such crop is grown of whether a set-aside shall be in effect and, if so, the acreage of crop-