Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1346

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 2814

PUBLIC LAW 94-580—OCT. 21, 1976 the reasonable protection of the quality of the surface waters from surface runoff contamination, and the reasonable protection of ambient air quality; "(2) characteristics and conditions of collection, storage, processing, and disposal operating methods, techniques and practices, and location of facilities where such operating methods, techniques, and jpractices are conducted, taking into account the nature of the material to be disposed; "(3) methods for closing or upgrading open dumps for purposes of eliminating potential health hazards; "(4) populationdensity, distribution, and projected growth; "(5) geographic, geologic, climatic, and hydrologic characteristics; "(6) the type and location of transportation; "(7) the profile of industries; " (8) the constituents and generation rates of waste; "(9) the political, economic, organizational, financial, and management problems affecting comprehensive solid waste management; "(10) types of resource recovery facilities and resource conservation systems which are appropriate; and "(11) available new and tvdditional markets for recovered material. " MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL or PLANS

42 USC 6943,

Long-tenn contracts. Resource conservation and disposal of solid

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"SEC. 4003. In order to be approved under section 4007, each State plan must comply with the following minimmn requirements— "(1) The plan shall identify (in accordance with section 4006(b) ^ (A) the responsibilities of State, local, and regional authorities in the implementation of the State plan, (B) the distribution of Federal funds to the authorities responsible for development and implementation of the State plan, and (C) the means for coordinating regional planning and implementation under the State plan. "(2) The plan shall, in accordance with section 4005(c), prohibit the establishment of new open dumps within the State, and contain requirements that all solid waste (including solid waste originating in other States, but not including hazardous waste) shall be (A) utilized for resource recovery or (B) disposed of in sanitaij landfills (within the meaning of section 4004(a)) or otherwise disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. "(3) The plan shall provide for the closing or upgrading of all existing open dumps within the State pursuant to the requirements of section 4005. " (4) The plan shall provide for the establishment of such State regulatorv powers as may be necessary to implement the plan. «/5j The plan shall provide that no local government within ^j^^ State shall be prohibited under State or local law from entering into long-term contracts for the supply of solid waste to resource recovery facilities. "(6) The plan shall provide for such resource conservation or recovery and for the disposal of solid waste in sanitary landfills QJ. j ^ y combination of practices so as may be necessary to use or dispose of such waste in a manner that is environmentally sound.