Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1598

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

90 STAT. 3066


Oct. 1, 1976 "WOMEN IN CONGRESS" • '[H. Con. Res. 664] Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring^, Printing of That twenty-five thousand copies of a booklet entitled "Women m copies. Congress" be printed for the use of the Joint Committee on Arrange-

ments for the Commemoration of the Bicentennial. Such booklet shall present a history of women who have served as Members of the Congress. SEC. 2. The Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Commemoration of the Bicentennial shall control the arrangement and style of the booklet authorized to be printed by the first section of this concurrent resolution. Passed October 1, 1976,

Oct. 1. 1976 [H. Con. Res. 698]


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring), Printing as House That there be reprinted with black and white and color illustrations document; and with emendations as a House document "Art in the United States additional copies. Capitol" as prepared under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol; and that there be printed thirty-six thousand four hundred additional copies of such document, of which ten thousand three hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, twenty-two thousand one hundred copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, and four thousand copies for the use of the Architect of the Capitol. Passed October 1, 1976.

Oct. 1, 1976 [H. Con. Res. 726]



BAPTIST PASTOR GEORGI VINS, RELEASE Whereas Christians and other religious believers in the Soviet Union are being persecuted simply because they desire to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience and the precepts of their faith rather than according to the dictates of the state; Whereas a symbol of the denial of basic human rights by the Soviet Union is the imprisonment for five years at hard labor of Georgi Vins, Secretary for the Council for the Evangelical Christians and Baptists for the alleged crime of administering to the congregation that elected him as tneir pastor, and the continuing persecution of the Vins family, which for three generations has suffered imprisonment and death in imprisonment for preaching the Baptist faith; Whereas the continued denial of this fundamental human right in the Soviet Union could have adverse implications for the growth of amicable relations between our two countries; and Whereas such Soviet policy contravenes the spirit, if not the letter of the Helsinki agreement and by so doing raises serious doubts as to the commitment of the Soviet Union to that agreement; and Whereas the activities for which Georgi Vins has been imprisoned would not be considered crimes in most of the civilized world and under no circumstances could justifiably result in the imposition of such a harsh sentence; and Whereas Georgi Vins' release is essential on humanitarian grounds given his poor health and the likelihood that he cannot survive his present imprisonment: Now, therefore, be it