Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1759

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976


A97 Pages

Taxes—Continued "Summary of Veterans' Legislation Remployment tax— ported, Ninety-Fourth Congress", Agricultural workers, coverage... 2667, printing of additional copies 3043 2668 Sunshine Act, Government in the 1241 Domestic service, coverage 2668 Supplemental Authorization Act for Federal unemployment tax wage Military Construction on Guam 2437 base and rate, increase 2676 Supplies and Shortages, National Nonprofit organizations— Commission on, appropriation Employees, filing of waiver cerfor 629, 975 tificate 2655 Supplies and Shortages Act, National Unemployment compensation Commission on, appropriation for coverage... 2670, 2675 effecting provisions 975 State and local government emSupply Service, Federal, appropriation ployees, unemployment comfor 641, 655, 972 pensation coverage.... 2670 Supreme Court of the United States, appropriation for 631, 646, 952 Excise tax— Aircraft museums, fuel and civil Susquehanna River, North Branch, aircraft use tax, exemption 2487 reclamation project, additional Alcoholic beverages, authorized funds 816 evidence of payment 2699 Susquehanna River Basin CommisAviation fuel, postponement of resion, appropriation for 643, 657, 899 ductions 456 Swanquarter Wilderness, N.C., desigBeer, small business tax reducnation 2634 tion 2485 Swine Flu Immunization Program of Gasoline, postponement of reduc1976, National 1113 tions 456 Swine Influenza: Motor vehicles and parts, postForeign countries and international ponement of reductions 456 organizations, assistance 596 Tires and tubes, postponement of Immunization, injury or death reductions 456 claims, civil action 1116 Trucks and buses, postponement of Immunization program, approprireductions 456 ation for 363 Federal employees, city income or Veterans Administration, adminisemployment taxes, withholdtration of vaccine 1301 ing 910 Syria, security supporting assistance, Income— appropriation for 774 Benefits extension, certain military and non-military participants in the Vietnam conflict 2699, 2700 Capital gains on lapse of options to Tamarac Wilderness, Minn., designabuy or sell securities 1201 tion 2634 Cemetery perpetual care funds, Tariff Act, Wilson, assignment of distribution deduction 2483 short title 1397 Child care services, tax credit for Tariff Act of 1930, amendments 1762 employing welfare recipients.... 1217 Tariff Schedules of the United States. Common trust funds, treatment of For amendments and repeals, see affiliated banks 1273 1930, P.L. 361 in "Tables of Laws Consolidated Rail Corporation, exAffected in Volume 90," preceding changes, treatment 295 this Index. Corporations, stock acquisitions, Tax Court, United States, appropriinterest deduction on indebtation for 631, 645, 975 edness 2443 Tax Reduction Act of 1975, amendEmployee retirement plans, termiments 782, 1201, 1584, 1587 nation, rollovers 365 Tax Reform Act of 1976 1520 Life insurance compeinies, policyAmendments 2483, 2697 holders surplus account 781 Taxes: Social clubs, organizations exempBank Holding Company Tax Act of tion 2697 1976 1503 Withholding schedules, extension... 782, Consolidated Rail Corporation, ex1201, 1273 changes 295 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.