Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/1761

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976




Texas—Continued San Antonio Channel, additional flood control measures, construction authorization 2921 Sherman, railroad highway crossing, demonstration project 444 Water resources depletion, study 2943 Thailand, military assistance, authorization of funds 729 The Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards Act of 1976 2641 The Clem Miller Environmental Education Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, Calif., designation 2695 The Judicial Survivors* Annuities Fund, establishment 2611 "The Senate Chamber, 1810-1859", printing of additional copies 3040 "The Working Congress", printing as House document 3043 Thomas Jefferson Building, designation of Library of Congress Annex as 329 Thomas Jefferson Day: Designation 328 Proclamation, 1976 3090 Tijuana River Basin, international flood control project 1333 Timber, sale from national forests... 29572961 Tinicum National Environmental Center, Pa., boundary extension 2528 Tires: Discarded tire disposal— Grants 2805 Study 2833 Excise tax, postponement of reductions 456 Tobacco: Acreage allotments and quotas, S.C.Ga., emergency lease and transfer 1489 Consumer Product Safety Commission, limitation of jurisdiction 503 Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, appropriation for 640, 654, 964 Toxic Substances Control Act 2003 Trade Act of 1974: Amendments 1763 Appropriation for effecting provisions 4-6, 948, 1418, 1419 Trade Commission, Federal. See Federal Trade Commission. Trade Commission, United States International, terms of office; voting procedures 1762 Trade Commission Act, Federal, amendments 575, 588 Trade Expansion Act of 1962, appropriation for effecting provisions 1418

Trade Negotiations, Office of the Special Representative for, appropriation for 632, 647, 958 Trade Week, World, 1976, proclamation 3088 Trademark Office, Patent and, appropriation for 633, 648, 950 Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, National, amendments 815 Trails System Act, National, amendments 2481 Transportation Act, Department of: Amendments 61,125,130,149, 2629 Appropriation for effecting provisions 1179 Transportation Act of 1964, Urban Mass: Amendments 143 Appropriation for effecting provisions 293, 626, 1180, 1181 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1976, Department of, amendment 1187 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1977, Department of. 1171 Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, Architectural and, program extension 212, 214 Transportation, Department of: Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1976 871 Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970— Amendments 871, 872, 879-882 Appropriation for effecting provisions 1173, 1174 Airports— Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport, Automated Guideway Transit system, demonstration project 446 Ground transportation services to, demonstration projects 884 Property restrictions, release... 196, 234, 280-283 Studies 883, 885 Alaskan road repair, study 448 Appropriation for 1178 Appropriation Act, 1977 1171 Appropriation for... 293, 623, 639, 654, 1171 Boat launching areas, public, access ramps, guidelines 446 Coast Guard, United States. See separate title. Electric and hybrid vehicles, regulatory and program consultation and coordination 1262 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, appropriation for effecting provisions 1177

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1519; Part 2 contains pages 1520-3129.

89-194 O—78—pt. 2

