Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 2.djvu/850

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-484—OCT. 12, 1976

90 STAT. 2318

Appropriation authorization.

" (E) publicizing existing sources, of financial aid available to students in the education program of such a school or who are undertaking training necessary to qualify them to enroll in such a program. "(b) There are authorized to be appropriated $20,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, $20,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979, and $20,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, for payments under grants and contracts under subsection (a). ((PROJECT


42 USC 295g-8.


"SEC. 788. (a)(1) In the case of any new school of medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, public health, veterinary medicine, optometry, pharmacy, or podiatry which begins instruction after July 1, 1974, the Secretary may, after taking into account— " (A) the ability of such school to use a grant under this subsection to (i) accelerate the date it will begin instruction, or (ii) increase the number of students in its entering class, and "(B) the other resources available to such school, make a grant to such school for each year such school is a new school (as determined under paragraph (5)). No school may receive a grant under this subsection unless the Secretary estimates that the number of full-time students enrolled in its first school year of operation will exceed twenty-three. "(2) The Secretary shall determine the amount of any grant under this subsection; but no such grant to any school may exceed— "(A) in the case of the year preceding the first year in which such school has students enrolled, an amount equal to the product of $10,000 and the number of full-time students which the Secretary estimates will enroll in such school in such first year; "(B) in the case of the first year in which such school has students enrolled, an amount equal to the product of $7,500 and the number of full-time students enrolled in such school in such year; "(C) in the case of the second year in which such school has students enrolled, an amount equal to the product of $5,000 and the number of full-time students enrolled in such school in such year; and "(D) in the case of the third year in which such school has students enrolled, an amount equal to the product of $2,500 and the number of full-time students enrolled in such school in such year. Estimates by the Secretary under this subsection of the number of full-time students enrolled in a school may be made on the basis of assurances provided by the school. "(3) A grant may not be made under this subsection unless an application for such grant is submitted to, and approved by, the Secretary. The Secretary shall give priority to applications which provide for projects which— "(A) assist in the planning, development, or initial operation of a new school of medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry (i) which will conduct exceptionally innovative programs for training students in ambulatory primary care in cooperation with accredited psychiatric practitioners or programs, as appropriate, or (ii) which will have as a major objective the provision of training opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds;
