Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/185

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-242—MAR. 10, 1978

92 STAT. 131

Resources of the Senate of the determination and action, with a detailed explanation and justification thereof, as soon as possible, " (3) Any plan submitted by the President under subsection f. (1) Plan, contents. shall include a detailed discussion, with detailed information, and any supporting documentation thereof, relating to policy objectives, technical description, geographic information, cost data and justifications, legal and regulatory considerations, environmental impact information and any related international agreements, arrangements or understandings. " (4) For the purposes of this subsection, the term 'foreign spent "Foreign spent nuclear fuel' shall include any nuclear fuel irradiated in any nuclear nuclear fuel." power reactor located outside of the United States and operated by any foreign legal entity, government or nongovernment, regardless of the legal ownership or other control of the fuel or the reactor and regardless of the origin or licensing of the fuel or reactor, but not including fuel irradiated in a research reactor.". (b)(1) Section 54 of the 1954 Act is amended by adding new subsec- Ante, p. 125 tion e. as follows, "e. The authority in this section to commit United States funds for any activities pursuant to any subsequent arrangement under section Ante, p. 127. 131 a. (2)(E) shall be subject to the requirements of section 131.". (2) Section 55 of the 1954 Act is amended by adding a proviso at the 42 USC 2075. end of the section as follows, '"'• Providing, That the authority in this section to commit United States funds for any activities pursuant to any subsequent arrangement under section 131 a. (2) (P]) shall be subject to the requirements of section 131.". EXPORT LICENSING PROCEDURES

SEC. 304. (a) Chapter 11 of the 1954 Act is amended by adding a new section 126 as follows:

42 USC 2155. "a. No license may be issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Exemption.


(the 'Commission') for the export of any production or utilization facility, or any source material or special nuclear material, including distributions of any material by the Department of Energy under section 54, 64, or 82, for which a license is required or requested, and no exemption from any requirement for such an export license may be granted by the Commission, as the case may be, until— " (1) the Commission has been notified by the Secretary of State that it is the judgment of the executive branch that the proposed export or exemption will not be inimical to the common defense and security, or that any export in the category to which the i^roposed export belongs would not be inimical to the common defense and security because it lacks significance for nuclear explosiv'e purposes. The Secretary of State shall, within ninety days after the enactment of this section, establish orderly and expeditious procedures, including provision for necessary administrative actions and inter-agency memoranda of understanding, which are mutually agreeable to the Secretaries of Energy, Defense, and Commerce, the Director of the A r m s Control and Disarmament Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the preparation of the executive branch judgment on export applications under this section. Such procedures shall include, at a minimum, explicit direction on the handling of such applications, express deadlines for the solicitation and collection of the views of the consulted agencies (with identified officials responsible for meet-

Ante, p. 125. Supra.

42 USC 2112. Executive brancli judgement, notice to Commission.

