Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/221

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-250—MAR. 27, 1978 Counties as provided by subsection (b) for the purpose of development and implementation of a program of forest resource improvement and utilization, including, but not limited to, reforestation, erosion control, and other forest land conservation measures, fisheries and fish and wildlife habitat improvements, and wood energy facilities. Not later than January 1, 1979, the Secretary shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate a report of his analysis, including his recommendations with respect to actions that should be taken to mitigate any significant short-term and long-term adverse effects on the local economy caused by such addition. (b) The Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Labor, in consultation with the Secretary, and pursuant to his study, shall apply such existing programs as are necessary and appropriate to further mitigate identified employment and other adverse economic impacts on public and private segments of the local economy, other than with regard to the payment of just compensation to the owners of properties taken by this Act and by the Act of October 2, 1968, supra. In addition to the land rehabilitation and employment provisions of this Act, which should have a substantial positive economic effect on the local economy, the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor are further authorized and directed to implement existing authorities to establish employment programs, pursuant to such grants, contracts and cooperative agreements with agencies of the Federal Executive, the State of California, any political or governmental subdivision thereof, any corporation, not-for-profit corporation, private entity or person, for the development and implementation of such programs, as, in the discretion of the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor, may be necessary to provide employment opportunities to those individuals affected by this taking and to contribute to the economic revival of Del Noite and Humboldt Counties, in northern California. Effective on October 1, 1978, there are authorized such sums as may be necessary to carry out the employment and economic mitigation provisions of this Act: Provided, That the authority to make payments under this section shall be effective only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriation Acts. (c) The Secretary of Agriculture within one year after the date of enactment of this Act, shall prepare and transmit to Congress a study of timber harvest scheduling alternatives for the Six Kivers National Forest, Such alternatives shall exclude the timber inventories now standing on units of the Wilderness Preservation System and shall be consistent with laws applicable to management of the national forests. In developing the alternatives, the Secretary shall take into consideration economic, silvicultural, environmental, and social factors. PREFERENTIAL

92 STAT. 167

Report, submittal to Congress.

Employment and economic mitigation programs.

16 USC 79a,

Appropriation authorization.

Timber harvest study, Six Rivers National Forest. 16 USC 79k note. Transmittal to Congress.


SEC. 103. (a) In order to utilize the skills of individuals presently 16 USC 79/. working in the woods and in the mills to the greatest degree possible to both ease the personal economic effects of this taking, and to assist in the necessary rehabilitation, protection, and improvement of lands acquired by this Act through implementation of sound rehabilitation and land use practices, the Secretary shall have power to appoint and fix the compensation of seven full-time and thirty-one temporary personnel to assist in carrying out such programs necessary for the protection and enhancement of Redwood National Park. In filling these positions, preference shall be given to affected employees (as defined m title II of this Act) for a period ending on September 30, 1984, notwithstanding applicable civil service laws and regulations.