Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 1.djvu/918

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 864

PUBLIC LAW 95-404—SEPT. 30, 1978

Public Law 95-404 95th Congress An Act Sept. 30, 1978 [S. 2701] Water Resources Planning Act, appropriation authorizations. 42 USC 1962d.

42 USC 1962c. 42 USC 1962d note.

To amend the Water Resources Planning Act (79 Stat. 244, as amended). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) section 401(a) of the Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (79 Stat 244, as amended) is hereby amended by deleting the words: "Not to exceed $6,000,000 for fiscal year 1978" and inserting in lieu thereof: "The sum of $2,886,000 for fiscal year 1979". (b) Section 401(b) of the Water Resources Planning Act (79 Stat. 244, as amended) is further amended by deleting the words: "not to exceed $2,000,000 for fiscal year 1978" and inserting in lieu thereof: "the sum of $2,668,000 for fiscal year 1979". (c) Section 401(c) of the Water Resources Planning Act (79 Stat. 244, as amended) is amended by deleting the words: "Not to exceed the sum of $3,905,000 for fiscal year 1978 for preparation of assessments, and for directing and coordinating the preparation of such river basin plans as the Council determines are necessary and desirable in carrying out the policy of this Act: Provided" and inserting in lieu thereof: "The sum of $3,179,900 for fiscal year 1979 for preparation of assessments, and for directing and coordinating the preparation of such river basin plans as the Council determines are necessary and desirable in carrying out the policy of this Act: Provided, That $828,900 shall be available under this subsection for preparation of the Columbia River Estuary Special Study: Provided further, That $308,000 shall be available under this subsection for preparation of the New England Port and Harbor Study and $135,000 shall be available for completion of the Hudson River iBasin Level B Study: Provided further, That $150,000 shall be available under this subsection for completion of Case Studies of the Application of Cost Sharing Policy Options for Flood Plain Management in the Connecticut River Basin: Provided further. (d) Section 301(a) of the Water Resources Planning Act (79 Stat. 244, as amended) is amended by deleting the words: "for fiscal years 1977 and 1978. $5,000,000 in such year" and inserting in lieu thereof: "$3,000,000 for fiscal year 1979". (e) Appropriations authorized by this Act for salary, pay, retirement, or other benefits for Federal employees may be increased by such additional or supplemental amounts as may be necessary for increases authorized by law. Approved September 30, 1978. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORT No. 95-1158 accompanying H.R. 11655 (Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs). SENATE REPORT No. 95-835 (Comm. on Environment and Public Works). ' ' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol 124 (1978): ,.;, May 25, considered and passed Senate. July 11, H.R. 11655 considered and passed House; passage vacated and S. 2701, amended, passed in lieu. Sept. 15, House agreed to conference report. Sept. 18, Senate agreed to conference report.