Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/610

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1890

PUBLIC LAW 95-523—OCT. 27, 1978 implementation of adequate and effective incentives for private sector employers to hire the hard-core unemployed. Special attention shall be given to the creation of jobs through the use of targeted employment tax credits, wage vouchers, and other incentives to private sector businesses. TITLE I—ESTABLISHMENT OF GOALS AND GENERAL ECONOMIC P O L I C I E S fit

15 USC 1021 note.

15 USC 1021




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SEC. 101. It is the purpose of this title— (^) ^^ declare the general policies of this Act; (2^ to provide an open process under which economic goals and policies are proposed, reviewed, and established; (3) to provide for yearly review of national economic policies to ensure their consistency with these goals to the maximum extent possible; and (4) to strengthen and supplement the purposes and policies of the Employment Act of 1946.


15 USC 1021.

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Post, p. 1895.

Ante, p. 1887.

S E C 102. Section 2 of the Employment Act of 1946 is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2. (a) The Congress hereby declares that it is the continuing policy and responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means, consistent with its needs and obligations and other essential national policies, and with the assistance and cooperation of both small and larger businesses, agriculture, labor, and State and local governments, to coordinate and utilize all its plans, functions, and resources for the purpose of creating and maintaining, in a manner calculated to foster and promote free competitive enterprise and the general welfare, conditions which promote useful employment opportunities, including self-employment, for those able, willing, and seeking to work, and promote full employment and production, increased real income, balanced growth, a balanced Federal budget, adequate productivity growth, proper attention to national priorities, achievement of an improved trade balance through increased exports and improvement in the international competitiveness of agriculture, business, and industry, and reasonable price stability as provided in section 5(b) of this Act. "(b) The Congress further declares and establishes as a national goal the fulfillment of the right to full opportunities for useful paid employment at fair rates of compensation of all individuals able, willing, and seeking to work. "(c) The Congress further declares that inflation is a major national problem requiring improved government policies relating to food, energy, improved and coordinated fiscal and monetary management, the reform of outmoded rules and regulations of the Federal Government, the correction of structural defects in the economy that prevent or seriously impede competition in private markets, and other measures to reduce the rate of inflation. "(d) The Congress further declares that it is the purpose of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 to improve the coordination and integration of the policies and programs of the Federal Government toward achievement of the objectives of such