Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/756

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2036

PUBLIC LAW 95-536—OCT. 27, 1978 apportioned, in accordance with the capital expense apportionment formula in the articles of agreement. The New Hampshire aid shall be payable at the rate of forty-five percent, if there are three or less New Hampshire members in the interstate district, and otherwise it shall bo payable as though the New Hampshire members were a New Hampshire cooperative school district. New Hampshire and Vermont long-term aid shall be deducted from the total capital expenses for the fiscal year in which the long-term aid is payable, and the balance of such expenses shall be apportioned among the member districts. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions. New Hampshire and Vermont may at any time change their State school aid programs that are in existence when this compact takes effect and may establish new programs, and any legislation for these purposes may specify how such programs shall be applied with respect to interstate districts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the respective amounts of New Hampshire and Vermont initial and long-term aid, with respect to a capital project of the Dresden School District for which indebtedness is authorized by a vote of the District after July 1, 1977, shall be initially determined for each year for each member district by the manner provided in this paragraph and the aid shall be paid to the Dresden School District, however, the amount of aid for those capital projects received by the Dresden School District on account of each member district shall be used by the District to reduce the sums which would otherwise be required to be raised by taxation within that member district."; (2) insert the following at the end of article VII: " (I) Notwithstanding paragraph (G) of this Article, initial and long-term aid may be allocated among the members of an interstate district other than the Dresden School District in the manner which is provided in the articles of agreement of that district, or if not therein provided, in the manner specified in paragraph (G) for all interstate districts other than the Dresden School District."; and (3) amend Article IX to read as follows: "ARTICLE



"A. Amendments to the articles of agreement shall be adopted in the manner provided in the articles of agreement, and if no such provision is made in the articles of agreement then amendments shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at an interstate district meeting, except that: "a. If the amendment proposes the addition of a new member district, the amendment shall be adopted in the same manner provided for the adoption of the original articles of agreement, provided that the planning committee shall consist of all of the members of the interstate district board of directors and all of the members of the school board of the proposed new member district or districts, and provided that the amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the interstate district, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at an interstate district meeting being required for approval of the amendment. The articles of agreement together with the proposed amendment shall then be submitted to the voters of the proposed new member district or districts, and an affirmative vote of a simple majority of those present and voting at each district meeting shall be required for approval of the amendment.