Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1249

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978


92 STAT. 3881 Sept. 28, 1978 [H. Con. Res. 715]

Whereas the people of the United States earnestly hope and pray that a just and durable peace in the Middle East can be negotiated by the parties to the Arab-Israeli conflict; Whereas President Carter has responded to this hope by his courageous ajid dedicated etfoit in convening the Camp David Summit; Whereas President Anwar al-Sadat and Prime Minister Menachem Begin have been willing to negotiate with understanding, humility, and a willingness to compromise in ordei' to try to achieve sokitions acceptable to all sides and promote lasting peace and justice in the Middle East; and Whereas continued good will and cooperation will be needed from the leaders of all states in the Middle East: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring), That the Congress commends President Carter for his leadership in promoting peace in the Middle East and endorses his efforts to further encourage support and understanding among the leaders of all states in the Middle East of the two agreements reached at the Camp David Summit, SEC. 2. The Congress conmiends President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin for the courageous steps they have taken to resolve the differences between their nations and to bring about a comprehensive, just, and durable peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors. SEC. 3. It is the sense of the Congress that the f I'amework for Middle East peace embodied in the two agreements reached at the Camp David Summit provides the basis for peace treaties among the parties to the Arab-Israeli conflict and provides hope that human dignity, justice, and security for all peoples in the Middle East can be achieved. SEC. 4. It is further the sense of the Congress that the United States should continue to pursue further direct peace talks among parties in the Middle East in order to build on the momentum created by the Camp David agreements to promote a comprehensive settlement among all parties to the conflict. Passed September 28, 1978.


Sept. 30, 1978 [H. Con. Res. 725]

Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring), That the President of the United States is requested to return to the House of Representatives the enrolled bill (H.R. 8149) to provide Ante, p. 888. customs procedural reform, and for other purposes. The Clerk of the House is authorized to receive such bill if it is returned when the House is not in session. Upon the return of such bill, the action of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate in signing it shall be deemed rescinded and the Clerk of the House shall reeriroll the bill with the following correction: In section 484(a)(1)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by section 102(a)(1) of the bill, after "shall" insert "file". Passed September 30, 1978.

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