Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/1258

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3890

CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—OCT. 12, 1978 (A) strike out "Act" each place it appears and insert in lieu thereof "title"; and (B) in the second sentence strike out "paragraph" and insert in lieu thereof "subsection". (30) In section 107— (A) in paragraph (2) strike out the period at the end thereof and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (3)(C) strike out the comma after "State", strike out "entermtainment" and insert in lieu thereof "entertainment", strike out the colon and "or" after "subdivisions thereof", and strike out the semicolon after "country" and insert in lieu thereof a comma; (C) in paragraph (4) strike out "the same meaning as the term has when used in the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971," and insert in lieu thereof "the meaning given such term in the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971;"; (D) in paragraph (9) strike out ", as amended"; and (E) in paragraph (16) strike out "'or the Senate'" and insert after " 'Representatives' " the following: "and 'designated committee of the Senate' ". (31) In section 201(c) insert "in a calendar year" after "becoming a candidate". (32) In section 201(e)— (A) strike out "as termination of employment in such position, file a report"; and (B) insert" (a) " immediately after "202". (33) In section 202(a)(1)(B) strike out the dash and insert in lieu thereof a colon. (34) In section 202(a)(2)(B) strike out "and unless," and insert in lieu thereof a period and the following: "A gift need not be so aggregated if". (35) In section 202(a)(4), in the first sentence strike out "exceeds" before "$10,000 at any time" and insert in lieu thereof "exceed". (36) In section 202(a)(4)(B) insert a comma after "furniture" and insert a comma after "appliances". (37) In section 202(a)(5) insert a comma after "purchase, (38) In section 202(a)(6)(A) — (A) strike out "and" before "any educational" and insert in lieu thereof "or"; and (B) strike out "This paragraph" and insert in lieu thereof "This subparagraph". (39) In section 202(a)(6)(B) strike out " (1) " and " (2) " and insert in lieu thereof " (i) " and "(ii)"? respectively. (40) In section 202(b), strike out "title" and insert "of subsection (a) " after "paragraph (1)". (41) In section 202(c) strike out "of this title". (42) In section 202(d)(2) in the first sentence strike out " (d) " immediately before the period. (43) In section 202(f)(1) — (A) insert a comma after " (b) "; and (B) strike out "of his dependent children" and insert in lieu thereof "dependent child". (44) Insection 202(f)(2) — (A) in subparagraph (B)(i), strike out "of his dependents," and insert in lieu thereof "dependent child, and";