Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/583

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-619—NOV. 9, 1978

92 STAT. 3215

section, any reference to a regulated utility shall be treated as a reference to a nonregulated utility. (b)


residential energy conservation plan proposed for home heating suppliers shall be approved by the Secretary unless such plan meets the same requirements as provided under section 213(a) (other than paragraphs (1) and (8) thereof) and section 213(b) and (c) and in addition— (1) meets the requirements of section 217 and contains adequate enforcement procedures with respect to such requirements; (2) meets such requirements applicable to home heating suppliers as may be contained in the rules promulgated under section (e 212;and (3) takes into account the resources of small home heating suppliers. In applying the requirements of section 213 in the case of a plan for home heating suppliers under this section, any reference to a regulated utility shall be treated as a reference to the home heating supplier and any reference to a utility program shall be treated as a reference to a home heating supplier program. SEC. 215. UTILITY PROGRAMS. (a) INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.—Each utility program shall in- 42 USC 8216. elude procedures designed to inform, no later than January 1, 1980, or the date six months after the approval of the applicable plan under section 212, if later, and each two years thereafter before January 1, 1985, each of its residential customers who owns or occupies a residential building, of— (1) the suggested measures for the category of buildings which includes such residential building; (2) the savings in energy costs that are likely to result from installation of the suggested measures in typical residential buildings in such category; (3) the availability of the arrangements described in subsection (b) and the lists referred to in section 213(a)(2) and (3); and (4) suggestions of energy conservation techniques, including suggestions developed by the Secretary, such as adjustments in ^'^ energy use patterns and modifications of household activities which can be employed by the residential customer to save energy and which do not require the installation of energy conservation measures (including the savings in energy costs that are likely to result from the adoption of such suggestions). (b) PROJECT MANAGER REQUIREMENTS.—Each utility program shall include— (1) procedures whereby the public utility, no later than January 1, 1980, or the date six months after the approval of the applicable plan under section 212, if later, will, for each residential customer who owns or occupies a residential building, offer to— (A) inspect the residential building (either directly or through one or more inspectors under contract) to determine and inform the residential customer of the estimated cost of purchasing and installing the suggested measures and the savings in energy costs that are likely to result from the installation of such measures (a report of which inspection shall be kept on file for not less than 5 years which shall be available to any subsequent owner without charge), except