Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/882

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3514 Nationally significant, qualifications.

16 USC 1244.

Trail advisory councils, establishments.

Term and compensation.



PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978 trade and commerce, migration and settlement, or military campaigns. To qualify as nationally significant, historic use of the trail must have had a far-reaching effect on broad patterns of American culture. Trails significant in the history of native Americans may be included. "(C) I t must have significant potential for public recreational use or historical interest based on historic interpretation and appreciation. The potential for such use is generally greater along roadless segments developed as historic trails, and at historic sites associated with the trail. The presence of recreation potential not related to historic appreciation is not sufficient justification for designation under this category.". (13) In section 5(c), add the following at the end thereof: "(20) Overmountain Victory Trail, extending from the vicinity of Elizabethton, Tennessee, to Kings Mountain National Military Park, South Carolina.". (14) In section 5 delete subsection (d), and insert a new section 5(d) to read as follows: "(d) The Secretary charged with the administration of each respective trail shall, within one year of the date of the addition of any national scenic or national historic trail to the System, and within sixty days of the enactment of this sentence for the Appalachian and Pacific Crest National Scenic Trails, establish an advisory council for each such trail, each of which councils shall expire ten years from the date of its establishment. The appropriate Secretary shall consult with such council from time to time with respect to matters relating to the trail, including the selection of rights-of-way, standards for the erection and maintenance of markers along the trail, and the administration of the trail. The members of each advisory council, which shall not exceed thirty-five in number, shall serve for a term of two years and without compensation as such, but the Secretary may pay, upon vouchers signed by the chairman of the council, the expenses reasonably incurred by the council and its members in carrying out their responsibilities under this section. Members of each council shall be appointed by the appropriate Secretary as follows: "(i) a member appointed to represent each Federal department or independent agency administering lands through which the trail route passes, and each appointee shall be the person designated by the head of such department or agency; "(ii) a member appointed to represent each State through which the trail passes, and such appointments shall be made from recommendations of the Governors of such States; "(iii) one or more members appointed to represent private organizations, including corporate and individual landowners and land users, which in the opinion of the Secretary, have an established and recognized interest in the trail, and such appointments shall be made from recommendations of the heads of such organizations: Provided, That the Appalachian Trail Conference shall be represented by a sufficient number of persons to represent the various sections of the country through which the Appalachian Trail passes; and "(iv) the Secretary shall designate one member to be chairman and shall fill vacancies in the same manner as the original appointment.".