Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/888

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3520 16 USC 460/-8.

PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978 (b) The third sentence of such section 6(f)(7) of such Act is amended by striking out the period and inserting in lieu thereof "by no later than March 1 of each year.". HELLS CANYON NATIONAL RECREATION AREA

16 USC 460gg.

SEC. 607. The words "September 1975" in section 1(b) of the Act of December 31, 1975 (Public Law 9^199), are deleted and replaced with the words "May 1978," to clarify that the boundary between Saulsberry and Freezeout Saddles is the hydrologic divide. IRVINE COAST-LAGUNA, CALIFORNIA STUDY

16 USC l a - 5 note.

Consultation and coordination.

Report to President and Congress.

Appropriation authorization.

SEC. 608. (a) In order to consider preserving in its natural condition, the Irvine Coast-Laguna area, California from Newport Beach to Laguna Beach as generally depicted on the map entitled "Irvine Coast-Laguna Study Area", numbered IRV-90,000, and dated June 1978, and in order to consider protection of the area's unique ecology and topography, its watershed and marine environment, and public outdoor recreation opportunities, the Secretary shall study, investigate, and formulate recommendations on the feasibility and desirability of establishing such area as a unit of the National Park System, such as a park, recreation area, or seashore. The Secretary shall consult with other appropriate Federal agencies, as well as with the appropriate State and local bodies and officials involved, and shall coordinate the study with applicable local and State plans and planning activities relating to the area. Federal departments and agencies are authorized and directed to cooperate with the Secretary and, to the extent permitted by law, to furnish such statistics, data, reports, and other material as the Secretary may deem necessary for purposes of the study. (b) The Secretary shall submit to the President and the Congress of the United States, within six months after the date of enactment of this section, a report of his findings and recommendations. The report of the Secretary shall contain, but not be limited to, findings with respect to— (1) the scenic, scientific, natural, and outdoor recreation values of the Irvine Coast-Laguna area; (2) the type of Federal, State, and local programs that are feasible and desirable in the public interest to preserve, develop, and make accessible for public use the values identified; and (3) the relationship of any recommended national park, recreation area, or seashore area to existing or proposed Federal, State, and local programs to manage in the public interest the natural resources of the entire Irvine Coast-Laguna area. (c) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated $50,000 to carry out the provisions of this section. THEODORE ROOSEVELT INAUGURAL NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE

80 Stat. 1101.

SEC. 609. The first section of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the acquisition and preservation of the real property known as the Ansley Wilcox House in Buffalo, New York, as a national historic site", approved November 2, 1966 (Public Law 89-708), is amended by striking out "at no expense to the United States" and inserting in lieu thereof "at no direct operating expense to the Department of the Interior,".