Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 3.djvu/910

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 3542

PUBLIC LAW 95-625—NOV. 10, 1978

(4) intention to maintain total local public outlays for park and recreation purposes at levels at least equal to those in the year

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preceding that in which grant assistance is sought beginning in fiscal year 1980 except in any case where a reduction in park and recreation outlays is proportionate to a reduction in overall spendlii,:..,. ing by the applicant; and (5) the relationship of the park and recreation recovery program to overall community development and urban revitalization efforts. Where appropriate, the Secretary may encourage local governments to meet action program requirements through a continuing planning process which includes periodic improvements and updates in action program submissions to eliminate identified gaps in program information and policy development. Action programs. (b) Action programs shall address, but are not limited to the following considerations: (1) Rehabilitation of existing recreational sites and facilities, including general systemwide renovation; special rehabilitation requirements for recreational sites and facilities in areas of high population concentration and economic distress; and restoration of outstanding or unique structures, landscaping, or similar features in parks of historical or architectural significance. (2) Local commitments to innovative and cost-effective programs and projects at the neighborhood level to augment recovery 'iuTK'tmi' I ^^ park and recreation systems, including but not limited to recy'\.^'," cling of abandoned schools and other public buildings for recreational purposes; multiple use of operating educational and other public buildings; purchase of recreation services on a contractual basis; use of mobile facilities and recreational, cultural, and educational programs or other innovative approaches to improving access for neighborhood residents; integration of recovery prosi,.,. V, gram with federally assisted projects to maximize recreational opportunities through conversion of abandoned railroad and highway rights-of-way, waterfront, and other redevelopment efforts and such other federally assisted projects as may be appro-;,. priate; conversion of recreation use of street space, derelict land, and other public lands not now designated for neighborhood recreational use; and use of various forms of compensated and uncompensated land regulation, tax inducements, or other means to encourage the private sector to provide neighborhood park and recreation facilities and programs. Publication in The Secretary shall establish and publish in the Federal Register Federal Register, requirements for preparation, submission, and updating of local park and recreation recovery action programs. (c) RECOVERY ACTION PROGRAM GRANTS.—The Secretary is authorized to provide up to 50 per centum matching grants to eligible local applicants for program development and planning specifically to meet H i e ^ij^Q objectives of this title. STATE ACTION INCENTIVE

Federal implementation grants, increase.

16 USC 2507.

SEC. 1008. The Secretary is authorized to increase Federal implementation grants authorized in section 1006 by providing an additional match equal to the total match provided by a State of up to 15 per centum of total project costs. I n no event rnay the Federal matching amount exceed 85 per centum of total project cost. The Secretary shall