Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1214

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 1182 Post, p. 1189.

State criminal justice council.


PUBLIC LAW 96-157—DEC. 27, 1979

would receive at least $50,000 for the applicable year under section 405; "(3) a county which has no less than 0.15 per centum of total State and local criminal justice expenditures, and which has a population of one hundred thousand or more persons on the basis of the most satisfactory current data available on a nationwide basis to the Administration but only if such county would receive at least $50,000 for the applicable year under section 405; "(4) any combination of contiguous units of local government, whether or not situated in more than one State, or any combination of units of local government all in the same county, which has a population of one hundred thousand or more persons on the basis of the most satisfactory current data available on a nationwide basis to the Administration but only if such combination would receive at least $50,000 for the applicable year under section 405; "(5) a unit of local government, or any combination of such contiguous units without regard to population, which are otherwise ineligible under the other paragraphs of this subsection. "(b)(1) Each State shall establish or designate and maintain a criminal justice council (hereinafter referred to in this title as the 'council') for the purpose of— "(A) analyzing the criminal justice problems within the State based on input and data from all eligible jurisdictions, State agencies, and the judicial coordinating committee and establishing priorities based on the analysis and assuring that these priorities are published and made available to affected criminal justice agencies prior to the time required for application submission; "(B) preparing a comprehensive State application reflecting the statewide goals, objectives, priorities, and projected grant programs; "(C)(i) receiving, reviewing, and approving (or disapproving) applications or amendments submitted by State agencies, the judicial coordinating committee, and units of local government, or combinations thereof, as defined in subsection (a)(5), pursuant to section 405(a)(5) of this title; and "(ii) providing financial assistance to these agencies and units according to the criteria of this title and on the terms and conditions established by such council at its discretion; "(D) receiving, coordinating, reviewing, and monitoring all applications or amendments submitted by State agencies, the judicial coordinating committee, units of local government, and combinations of such units pursuant to section 403 of this title, recommending ways to improve the effectiveness of the programs or projects referred to in said applications, assuring compliance of said applications with Federal requirements and State law and integrating said applications into the comprehensive State application; "(E) preparing an annual report for the chief executive of the State and the State legislature containing an assessment of the criminal justice problems and priorities within the State; the adequacy of existing State and local agencies, programs, and resources to meet these problems and priorities; the distribution and use of funds allocated pursuant to this part and the relationship of these funds to State and local resources allocated to crime and justice system problems; and the major policy and legislative initiatives that are recommended to be undertaken on a statewide basis;