Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1279

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-163—DEC. 28, 1979

93 STAT. 1247

purposes of this act, and for any of the purposes of this act to exercise all appropriate powers heretofore or hereafter delegated to it by the states of New York and New Jersey, including, but not limited to, those expressly set forth in this act. The surplus revenues of port district industrial development projects or facilities may be pledged in whole or in part as hereinafter provided. "(b) The port authority is hereby authorized to initiate studies and Industrial prepare and adopt a master plan providing for the development of development, master plan. port district industrial development projects and facilities which shall include the location of such projects and facilities as may be included in the plan and shall to the maximum extent practicable include inter alia a general description of each of such projects and facilities, the land use requirements necessary therefor, and estimates of project costs, of project employment potential and of a schedule for commencement of each such project. Prior to adopting such master plan, the port authority shall give written notice to, afford a reasonable opportunity for comment, consult with and consider any recommendation made by the governing body of municipalities and within the city of New York the appropriate community board or boards and elsewhere another governmental entity or entities designated by such municipality in which industrial development projects or facilities are proposed to be located and with such other persons, including but not limited to private real estate developers, which in the opinion of the port authority is either necessary or desirable. The master plan shall include the port authority's estimate of the revenues to be derived by municipalities from each such industrial development project or facility and also a description of the proposed additional arrangements with muncipalities necessary or desirable for each such project or facility. The port authority may modify or change any part of such plan in the same form and manner as provided for the adoption of such original plan. At the time the port authority authorizes any industrial development project or facility, the port authority shall include with such authorization a statement as to the status of each project included in such master plan and any amendment thereof. "(c) No industrial development project proposed to be located New York City, within the city of New York may be included in such master plan inclusion in unless and until the mayor of the city of New York requests the port plan. authority to conduct a comprehensive study of the feasibility of the effectuation of one or more industrial development projects or any parts thereof (including resource recovery or industrial pollution control facilities) in such city, which request shall specify the borough in which such comprehensive study is to take place; provided, however, that the president of any borough in which an industrial development project or facility is proposed to be located may within sixty days of receipt of notice of such request, and after consulting with and considering any recommendation made by the local borough improvement board, notify the port authority not to include any proposed industrial development project or facility within that county in such feasibility study. Any such request by the mayor of the city of New York may specify the facilities to be included in such industrial park project. "§4. The moneys in the general reserve fund may be pledged in Financing, whole or in part by the port authority as security for or applied by it to the repayment with interest of any moneys which it may raise upon bonds issued or incurred by it from time to time for any of the purposes of this act or upon bonds secured in whole or in part by the pledge of the revenues from any industrial development project or