Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1291

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-164—DEC. 29, 1979

Public Law 96-164 96th Congress

93 STAT. 1259

An Act

To authorize appropriations for the Department of Energy for national security programs for fiscal year 1980, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That this Act may be cited as the "Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of Nuclear Energy Authorization Act of 1980". TITLE I—NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAMS OPERATING EXPENSES

SEC. 101. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 1980 for operating expenses incurred in carrying out national security programs (including scientific research and development in support of the armed services, strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense, and military applications of nuclear energy) as follows: (1) For the defense inertial confinement fusion program, a total of $125,090,000, allocated as follows: (A) For glass laser experiments, $44,200,000. (B) For gas laser experiments, $29,300,000. (C) For electron and particle beam experiments, $12,200,000. (D) For supporting research and experiments, $38,300,000. (E) For personnel, $1,090,000. (2) For the naval reactor development program, a total of $241,367,000, allocated as follows: (A) For the naval reactor development program, $232,600,000. (B) For personnel, $8,767,000. (3) For weapons activities, a total of $1,455,241,000, allocated as follows: (A) For research and development, $421,143,000. (B) For weapons testing, $236,000,000. (C) For production and surveillance, $761,000,000. (D) For personnel, $37,098,000. (4) For verification and control technology (including personnel), $36,800,000. (5) For materials production, to be administered by the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs, a total of $357,748,000, allocated as follows: (A) For production reactor expenses, $180,300,000. (B) For the processing of nuclear materials, $82,400,000. (C) For supporting services, $67,714,000, of which $15,000,000 shall be used for the fiscal year 1980 increment of startup costs for the Purex chemical processing plant at Richland, Washington. (D) For fluorinel processing of nonproduction fuels and related activities, $21,390,000.

Dec. 29, 1979 [S. 673]

Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of Nuclear Energy Authorization Act of 1980.