Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/170

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 138


"Salaries and expenses", $2,289,000, to be derived from "Administering the Public Debt"; BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

"Salaries and expenses", $4,900,000, to be derived from "Administering the Public Debt"; UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE

"Salaries and expenses", $13,459,000; BUREAU OF THE MINT (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

"Salaries and expenses", $584,000, to be derived from "Administering the Public Debt"; INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE

"Salaries and expenses", $5,727,000; "Taxpayer service and returns processing", $24,133,000; "Examinations and appeals", $20,609,000; "Investigations and collections", $19,369,000; UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

"Salaries and expenses", $4,528,000, of which $3,214,000 is to be derived from "Administering the Public Debt". GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL BUILDINGS FUND

"Limitations on availability of revenue". In addition to the aggregate amount heretofore made available for real property management and related activities in fiscal year 1979, $11,644,000 shall be available for such purposes and the limitation on the amount available for real property operations is increased to $481,953,000 and the limitation on the amount available for program direction and centralized services is increased to $70,065,000: Provided, That any revenues and collections and any other sums accruing to this fund during fiscal year 1979, excluding reimbursements under section 210(fK6) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 490(fK6)), in excess of $1,472,606,000 shall remain in the Fund and shall not be available for expenditure except as authorized in appropriation Acts. FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICE

"Operating expenses", $5,116,000;