Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/238

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-39—JULY 26, 1979

93 STAT. 206

acetamido-2-aminophenol, which contains three functional groups, will be classified in 405.12 (Amides), rather than in 404.92 to 405.08, inclusive (Aminophenols), or in 404.84 and 404.88 (Amines), or in 403.51 (Phenols). When applicable, classincation should be made in accordance with the following principles: (i) Salts of organic acids (including phenols) with inorganic bases and salts of organic bases with inorganic acids are to be classified under the same superior heading as the organic acid or base; salts of organic acids with organic bases are to be classified either under the superior head' ing which describes the functional groups present in the free acid or under the one which describes the functional groups present in the free base, whichever is listed lat«r. (ii) Esters of organic acids are to be classiHed either under the superior heading which describes the functional groups present in the free acid or under the one which describes the functional groups present in the free alcohol or phenol, whichever is listed later (iii) The above provisions apply also in cases where the component having the functional groups described under the later superior heading is not of benzenoid origin. For example, benzyl acetate is classified under carboxylic acids (404.24 to 404.46, inclusive) rather than under alcohols (403.45)




Cyclic organic chemical products in any physical form having a benzenoid, quinoid, or modified benzenoid structure, not provided for in subpart A or C of this part: Anthracene having a purity of 30% or more by weight,

Carbazole having a purity of 65% or more by weight...


Naphthalene which after the removal of all water present has a solidifying point of 79° C. or above


Phthalic anhydride.,





All distillates of coal tar, blast-furnace tar, oil-gas tar, and water-gas tar, which on being subjected to distillation yield in the portion distilling below 190° C. a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 5 % by weight of the original distillate or which on being subjected to distillation jield in the portion distilling below 215° C. a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 75% by weight of the original distillate: Phenol (carbolic acid) which on being subjected to distillation yields in the portion distilling below 190° C. a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 5% by weight of the original distillate

Cresylic acid which on being subjected to distillation yields in the portion distilling below 215° C. a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than 75% by

1.4«perlb. -1-9.3% ad val. 1.7« per lb. -t-12.5% adval.

7(perlb. -f-46.5% ad val. 7* per lb. -1-40% ad val.

0.7* per lb. -1-4% ad val. 1.2«perlb. -1-8.6% ad val. 1.4$ per lb. -1-9% ad val.

7« per lb. -f-40% ad val. 7« per lb. -1-49% ad val. 7« per lb. -1-45% ad val.

1.5^ per lb. -H2.5% adval.

3.5t per lb. -»-29.5% adval.