Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/504

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 472 "Panama Canal service."

"Executive agency." Effective date. 5 USC 8336 note. 5 USC 8301 et seq. Lump sum payment. 5 USC 8336 note.

PUBLIC LAW 96-70—SEPT. 27, 1979 "(3) For the purpose of this subsection— "(A) 'Panama Canal service' means— "(i) service as an employee of the Canal Zone Government, the Panama Canal Company, or the Panama Canal Commission; or "(ii) service at a permanent duty station in the Canal Zone or Republic of Panama as an employee of an Executive agency conducting operations in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama; and "(B) 'Executive agency' includes the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone and the Smithsonian Institution.". (b)(1) The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, but no amount of annuity under chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, accruing by reason of those amendments shall be payable for any period before October 1, 1979. (2) Effective October 1, 1979, any individual who, but for paragraph (1) of this subsection, would have been entitled to one or more annuity payments pursuant to the amendments made by this section for periods before October 1, 1979, shall be entitled, to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriation Acts, to a lump sum payment equal to the total amount of all such annuity payments. EARLY RETIREMENT COMPUTATION

"Panama Canal service."

SEC. 1242. (a) Section 8339(d) of title 5, United States Code, is amended by inserting "(1)" after "(d)" and by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(2) The annuity of an employee retiring under this subchapter who was employed by the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government on September 30, 1979, is computed with respect to the period of continuous Panama Canal service from that date, disregarding any break in service of not more than 3 days, by adding— "(A) 2y2 percent of the employee's average pay multiplied by so much of that service as does not exceed 20 years; plus "(B) 2 percent of the employee's average pay multiplied by so much of that service as exceeds 20 years. "(3)(A) In the case of an employee who has service as a law enforcement officer or firefighter to which paragraph (2) of this subsection applies, the annuity of that employee is increased by $8 for each full month of that service which is performed in the Republic of Panama. "(B) In the case of an employee retiring under this subchapter who— "(i) was employed as a law enforcement officer or firefighter by the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government at any time during the period beginning March 31, 1979, and ending September 30, 1979; and "(ii) does not meet the age and service requirements of section 8336(c) of this title; the annuity of that employee is increased by $12 for each full month of that service which occurred before October 1, 1979. "(C) An annuity increase under this paragraph does not apply with respect to service performed after completion of 20 years of service (or any combination of service) as a law enforcement officer or firefighter. "(4) For the purpose of this subsection— "(A) 'Panama Canal service' means— ^'