Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/524

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 492 Effective date. 22 USC 3795 "°**-

PUBLIC LAW 96-70—SEPT. 27, 1979 (b) This section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. CHAPTER 7—GENERAL REGULATIONS AUTHORITY OF PRESIDENT

22 USC 3801.

SEC. 1701. The President may prescribe, and from time to time amend, regulations applicable within the areas and installations made available to the United States for the operation and protection of the Panama Canal pursuant to the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 and related agreements concerning— (1) the use of aircraft; (2) the possession and use of alcoholic beverages; (3) exclusion and removal of persons; and (4) health and sanitation. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION

22 USC 3802.

SEC. 1702. The Commission may prescribe, and from time to time amend, regulations applicable within the areas and installations made available to the United States for the operation and protection of the Panama Canal pursuant to the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 and related agreements concerning— (1) the keeping and impounding of domestic animals; (2) fire prevention; (3) the sale or use of fireworks; (4) the use of roads and highways; (5) photographing of areas, objects, installations, or structures; (6) swimming in the Panama Canal and adjacent waters; and (7) the protection of wildlife, hunting, and fishing. CHAPTER 8—SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION

Subchapter I—Operation of Canal OPERATING REGULATIONS

22 USC 3811.

SEC. 1801. The President may prescribe, and from time to time amend, regulations governing— (1) the operation of the Panama Canal; (2) the navigation of the harbors and other waters of the Panama Canal and areas adjacent thereto, including the ports of Balboa and Cristobal; (3) the passage and control of vessels through the Panama Canal or any part thereof, including the locks and approaches thereto; (4) pilotage in the Panama Canal or the approaches thereto through the adjacent waters; and (5) the licensing of officers or other operators of vessels navigating the waters of the Panama Canal and areas adjacent thereto, including the ports of Balboa and Cristobal. Subchapter II—Inspection of Vessels VESSELS S U B J E C T TO INSPECTION

22 USC 3821.

SEC. 1811. With the exception of private vessels merely transiting the Panama Canal, and of public vessels of all nations, vessels navigating the waters of the Panama Canal shall be subject to an