Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/921

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

PUBLIC LAW 96-122—NOV. 17, 1979 preceding year for services rendered to the Board or the participants or beneficiaries of the retirement program for which a Fund was established, the amount of such compensation, the nature of his services, his relationship, if any, to the District of Columbia government or any employee organization, and any other officer, position or employment he holds with any party in interest. (4) An explanation of the reason for any change in appointment of any accountant, insurance carrier, enrolled actuary, or investment counsel appointed by the Board. (5) Such other financial and actuarial information as the Council may by regulation prescribe. (d) An annual report under this section for a fiscal year shall include a complete actuarial statement applicable to the fiscal year which shall include the following information: (1) The date of the actuarial valuation applicable to the fiscal year for which the report is filed. (2) The date and amount of the payments to the Fund for the fiscal year for which the report is filed and contributions for prior fiscal years not previously reported, including payments by the participants, the United States, and the District of Columbia. (3) The following information applicable to the fiscal year for which the report is filed: (A) The amounts determined under section 142(a)(1). (B) The accrued liabilities. (C) An identification of benefits not included in the calculation. (D) A statement of the other facts and actuarial assumptions and methods used to determine costs. (E) A justification for any change in actuarial assumptions or cost methods. (4) The number of participants and beneficiaries covered by the retirement program. (5) A certification of the amount of the payments to the Fund necessary to reduce the accumulated funding deficiency to zero. (6) A statement by the enrolled actuary of any change in actuarial assumptions made with respect to the Fund during the year. (7) A statement by the enrolled actuary of the estimated current value of vested benefits under the retirement program. (8) A statement by the enrolled actuary that to the best of his knowledge the report is complete and accurate. (9) A copy of the opinion required by subsection (a)(4). (10) Such other information regarding the retirement program as the Council may by regulation require. (11) Such other information as the enrolled actuary may determine is necessary to fully and fairly disclose the actuarial position of the Fund. The actuary shall make an actuarial valuation of the Fund for every third fiscal year, unless he determines that a more frequent valuation is necessary to support his opinion under subsection (a)(4) of this section. (e) A report under this section for a fiscal year shall include a statement prepared by the Board of— (1) the relative riskiness of the investments during the fiscal year of the assets of the Fund; (2) a comparison of the average return on the investments of the Fund during the year with the average return on the

93 STAT. 889

Complete actuarial statement.

Actuarial valuation of fund.