Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/466

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 416

Cooperation with rail carriers.

Required cooperation.

45 USC 653. Report to Congress and congressional committees.

Corridor evaluations report.

45 USC 654.

PUBLIC LAW 96-254—MAY 30, 1980 engineering plans to the extent necessary to provide accurate information on capital expenditures for improvements and equipment, operating cost projections, running times, and other information which the Corporation, in consultation with the Secretary, determines necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the anticipated costs and benefits of instituting new service in such corridors. "(b) In preparing a design and engineering plan for a corridor under this section, the Corporation shall consult with the Secretary and shall request the views of the appropriate officials of each State in such corridor. "(c)(1) The Corporation shall develop a design and engineering plan for a corridor under this section cooperatively with the rail carriers that own tracks and facilities used or to be used in providing passenger service in such corridor. "(2) If a rail carrier described in paragraph (1) or this subsection is unwilling to cooperate with the Corporation in developing a design and engineering plan, the Corporation mayapply to the Secretary for assistance in obtaining such cooperation. The Secretary may require such a private rail carrier to cooperate with the Corporation in developing such plan, and shall fix an amount which the Corporation shall reimburse such carrier for the work it performs. "SEC. 1003. FINAL CORRIDOR EVALUATION.

"(a) The Secretary and the Corporation shall prepare a final corridor evaluation and submit a report to both Houses of Congress and to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate with respect to each corridor. Such report shall include for each corridor— "(1) ridership projections for rail passenger service in such corridor; "(2) operating cost and revenue projections for such corridor; "(3) projected capital expenditures, as determined by the Corporation under section 1002, for improvements in such corridor. "(b) The Secretary and the Corporation shall submit such a report on corridor evaluations by February 15, 1981. If the Secretary and the Corporation believe that further analysis is required after February 15, 1981, they shall submit a supplemental report with such additional information. "SEC. 1004. EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION.

"The Corporation shall, to the extent of funds available under section 1008(a)(2) of this title, acquire necessary equipment for purposes of providing service in rail pgissenger corridors. 45 USC 655.


"(a) The Secretary shall encourage the private sector development of potential rail passenger corridors, including the corridor between Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "(b) In order to carry out the purposes of this section, the Secretary shall— "(1) in cooperation with private rail carriers, the Corporation, the Consolidated Rail Corporation, commuter agencies, and State and local transportation authorities, take all necessary steps to remove institutional and legal barriers to the private development of rail passenger corridors;