Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/517

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-265-JUNE 9, 1980

94 STAT. 467

"(G) contains a summary of proposed improvement of such statewide management system in terms of qualitative and quantitative benefits. "(2)(A) The Secretary shall, on a continuing basis, review, assess, and inspect the planning, design, and operation of, statewide management information systems referred to in section 403(a)(3)(B), with a Ante, p. 465. view to determining whether, and to what extent, such systems meet and continue to meet requirements impcKsed under such section and the conditions specified under subsection (a)(30) of this section. Ante, p. 465. "(B) If the Secretary finds with respect to any statewide management information system referred to in section 403(a)(3)(B) that there is a failure substantially to comply with criteria, requirements, and other undertakings, prescribed by the advance automatic data processing planning document theretofore approved by the Secretary with respect to such system, then the Secretary shall suspend his approval of such document until there is no longer any such failure of such system to comply with such criteria, requirements, and other undertakings so prescribed.". (c) Part A of title IV of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS

"SEC. 413. The Secretary shall provide such technical assistance to States as he determines necessary to assist States to plan, design, develop, or install and provide for the security of, the management information systems referred to in section 403(a)(3)(B) of this Act.". (d) The amendments made by this section shall be effective with respect to expenditures made during calendar quarters beginning on or after July 1, 1981.

42 USC 613. Ante, p. 465. Effective date. 42 USC 6i3 note.


SEC. 407. (a) Section 455(b)(2) of the Social Security Act is amended 42 USC 655. by striking out "The Secretary" and inserting in lieu thereof "Subject to subsection (d), the Secretary". (b) Section 455 of such Act is further amended by adding after subsection (c) (as added by section 404 of this Act) the following new Ante, p. 463. subsection: "(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no amount shall be paid to any State under this section for any quarter, prior to the close of such quarter, unless for the period consisting of all prior quarters for which payment is authorized to be made to such State under subsection (a), there shall have been submitted by the State to the Secretary, with respect to each quarter in such period (other than the last two quarters in such period), a full and complete report (in such form and manner and containing such information as the Secretary shall prescribe or require) as to the amount of child support collected and disbursed and all expenditures with respect to which payment is authorized under subsection (a).". (c) Section 403(b)(2) of such Act is amended— 42 USC 603. (1) by striking out "and" at the end of clause (A); and (2) by adding immediately before the semicolon at the end of clause (B) the following: ", and (C) reduced by such amount as is necessary to provide the 'appropriate reimbursement of the Federal Government' that the State is required to make under