Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1124

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 2402

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

installation, maintenance, and use of navigation aids, docking facilities, and staging and transfer facilities, associated with the development of the mineral deposit at Quartz Hill. Such activities shall not include mineral extraction, milling, or processing. Such activities shall be subject to reasonable regulations issued by the Secretary to protect the values of the monument wilderness. (7) Within the Misty Fjords National Monument Wilderness the Secretary of Agriculture shall, to the extent he finds necessary, allow salvage, cleanup, or other activity related to the development of the mineral deposit at Quartz Hill, including activities necessary due to emergency conditions. (8) Designation by section 703 of this Act of the Misty Fjords National Monument Wilderness shall not be deemed to enlarge, diminish, add, or waive any substantive or procedural requirements otherwise applicable to the use of offshore waters adjacent to the Monument Wilderness for activities related to the development of the mineral deposit at Quartz Hill, including, but not limited to, navigation, access, and the disposal of mine tailings produced in connection with such development. Mineral (i)(l) With respect to the mineral deposits at Quartz Hill and deposits, mining Greens Creek in the Tongass National Forest, the holders of valid or milling leases. mining claims under subsection (f)(2)(B) shall be entitled to a lease (and necessary associated permits) on lands under the Secretary's jurisdiction (including lands within any conservation system unit) at fair market value for use for mining or milling purposes in connection with the milling of minerals from such claims situated within the Monuments only if the Secretary determines— (A) that milling activities necessary to develop such claims cannot be feasibly carried out on such claims or on other land owned by such holder; (B) that the use of the site to be leased will not cause irreparable harm to the Misty Fjords or the Admiralty Island National Monument; and (C) that the use of such leased area for such purposes will cause less environmental harm than the use of any other reasonably available location. With respect to any lease issued under this subsection, the Secretary shall limit the size of the area covered by such lease to an area he determines to be adequate to carry out the milling process for the mineral bearing material on such claims. (2) A lease under this subsection shall be subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the Secretary deems necessary. Lease (3) A lease under this subsection shall terminate— termination. (A) at such time as the mineral deposit is exhausted; or (B) upon failure of the lessee to use the leased site for two consecutive years unless such nonuse is waived annually by the Secretary. (j) SPECIAL USE PERMITS AND FACILITIES.—The Special Use Permit for Thayer Lake Lodge shall be renewed as necessary for the longest of either— (1) fifteen years after the date of enactment of this Act, or (2) the lifetime of the permittee, as designated in such permit as of January 1, 1979, or the surviving spouse or child of such permittee, whoever lives longer, so long as the management of the lodge remains consistent with the purposes of the Admiralty Island National Monument.