Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1218

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 2496

26 USC 1016.

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

loss from the sale or other disposition of such land or interest in land for purposes of any Federal, State, or local tax imposed on or measured by income shall be the fair value of such land or interest in land at the time of receipt, adjusted as provided in section 1016 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended: Provided, however. That the basis of any such land or interest therein attributable to an interest in a mine, well, other natural deposit, or block of timber shall be not less than the fair value of such mine, well, natural deposit, or block of timber (or such interest therein as the Secretary shall convey) at the time of the first commercial development thereof, adjusted as provided in section 1016 of such Code. For purposes of this subsection, the time of receipt of land or any interest therein shall be the time of the conveyance by the Secretary of such land or interest (whether by interim conveyance or patent).'. FIRE PROTECTION

SEC. 1409. Subsection (e) of section 21 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1620(e)) is amended by inserting the words "corporation organized under section 14(h)(3)," after "Native group," by replacing the comma following the citation "(64 Stat. 967, 1100)" with a period, and by making a revised sentence out of the remaining phrase by striking the words "and" and "also", replacing the comma after the word "lands" with the words "they shall", and replacing the word "forest" with "wildland". INTERIM CONVEYANCES AND UNDERSELECTIONS

43 USC 1621.

43 USC 1611, 1613, 1615.

SEC. 1410. Section 22(j) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act is amended to read as follows: "(j)(l) Where lands to be conveyed to a Native, Native Corporation, or Native group pursuant to this Act as amended and supplemented have not been surveyed, the same may be conveyed by the issuance of an 'interim conveyance' to the party entitled to the lands. Subject to valid existing rights and such conditions and reservations authorized by law as are imposed, the force and effect of such an interim conveyance shall be to convey to and vest in the recipient exactly the same right, title, and interest in and to the lands as the recipient would have received had he been issued a patent by the United States. Upon survey of lands covered by an interim conveyance a patent thereto shall be issued to the recipient. The boundaries of the lands as defined and conveyed by the interim conveyance shall not be altered but may then be redescribed, if need be, in reference to the plat of survey. The Secretary shall make appropriate adjustments to insure that the recipient receives his full entitlement. Where the term 'patent,' or a derivative thereof, is used in this Act, unless the context precludes such construction, it shall be deemed to include 'interim conveyance,' and the conveyances of land to Natives and Native Corporations provided for this Act shall be as fully effectuated by the issuance of interim conveyances as by the issuance of patents. "(2) Where lands selected and conveyed, or to be conveyed to a Village Corporation are insufficient to fulfill the Corporation's entitlement under subsection 12(b), 14(a), 16(b), or 16(d), the Secretary is authorized to withdraw twice the amount of unfulfilled entitlement and provide the Village Corporation ninety days from receipt of notice from the Secretary to select from the lands withdrawn the land it desires to fulfill its entitlement. In making the withdrawal, the Secretary shall first withdraw public lands that were formerly