Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/1098

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 3742

PROCLAMATION 4744—APR. 2, 1980

Sec. 3-102(a}. Persons applying for licenses pursuant to Section 1-1 of this Proclamation shall submit such information and make such reports as the Secretary determines necessary to fulfill his responsibilities under this Proclamation. (b) By the fifth day of the second month following any particular month, beginning with May 5, 1980 for March 1980, each gasoline producer shall report to the Secretary its gasoline production for that month. A person with gasoline production in Puerto Rico or in the U.S. Virgin Islands in any month shall report separately its gasoline production in Puerto Rico or in the U.S. Virgin Islands in that month and the portion of such production which is produced for consumption in Puerto Rico or in the U.S. Virgin Islands. (c) The Secretary may require a person subject to the reporting requirements of paragraph (a) or (b) of this section to report any additional information determined by the Secretary to be necessary to ensure that the objectives of this Proclamation are attained. (d) A person required under this Proclamation to submit any report to the Secretary shall correct any errors contained in that report by filing an amended report as promptly as possible but not later than the last day of the eighth month following the month for which the report was filed. Sec. 3-103(a). A person subject to any reporting requirement under Section 3-103 of this Proclamation shall prepare and maintain at its principal place of business sufficient records, including but not limited to records specifically required by the Secretary, to document its compliance with the provisions of this Proclamation. (b) All records required to be maintained pursuant to this Proclamation shall be retained for a period of three years. Sec. 3-104. The Secretary may initiate and conduct audits and investigations relating to the scope, nature, and extent of compliance by any person subject to any provision of this Proclamation. 19 USC 1862 "°*®'

Sec. 3-105(a]. In addition to any other remedies or penalties available to enforce this Proclamation or Proclamation 3279, as amended, the Secretary may revoke or suspend, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Subpart T, Part 205, of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, licenses issued to any person that violates the terms of this Proclamation or Proclamation 3279, as amended. In addition or in the alternative, and notwithstanding the provisions in Section l-103(a](2] of this Proclamation, the Secretary, in his discretion, may require that any person that violates the terms of this Proclamation post bonds for license fees in the full amount chargeable or prepay all license fee amounts in order to receive a license.

(b] In the event a person fails to fulfill an obligation arising under Section 2-1 of this Proclamation, that person shall be subject to the remedies and 15 USC 751 note, penalties available under the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973. Sec. 3-106. For purposes of this Proclamation, the following definitions shall apply: "Crude oil" means a mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in natural underground reservoirs and which is liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating processes, and does not include natural gas products. It also includes the initial liquid hydrocarbons produced from tar sands, gilsonite, and oil shale. "Energy Regulations" means Parts 210, 211 and 212 of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.