Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1285

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-98—DEC. 22, 1981

95 STAT. 1259

ture of the House of Representatives at least fourteen days before taking such action. "(e) The Secretary shall announce the terms and conditions of the producer storage program as far in advance of making loans as practicable. In such announcement, the Secretary shall specify the quantity of wheat or feed grains to be stored under the program which the Secretary determines appropriate to promote the orderly marketing of such commodities. The Secretary may place an upper limit on the amount of wheat and feed grains placed in the reserve, but such upper limit may not be less than seven hundred million bushels for wheat and one billion bushels for feed grains. "(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, except as otherwise provided under section 302 of the Food Security Wheat Reserve Act of 1980 and section 208 of the Agricultural Trade Suspension 7 USC I736f-i. Adjustment Act of 1980, whenever the program authorized by this 7 USC 400i. section is in effect, the Commodity Credit Corporation may not sell any of its stocks of wheat or feed grains at less than 110 per centum of the then current price level at which the Secretary may encourage repayment of producer storage loems with respect to the commodity prior to the maturity dates of such loans, as determined under clause (5) of the third sentence of subsection Qoi) of this section. The foregoing restriction shall not apply to— "(1) sales of such commodities which have substantially deteriorated in quality or as to which there is a danger of loss or waste through deterioration or spoilage; "(2) sales or other disposals of such commodities under (A) the fifth and sixth sentences of section 407 of this Act; (B) the Act of 7 USC 1427. September 21, 1959 (7 U.S.C. 1427 note); and (C) section 813 of the Agricultural Act of 1970; and 7 USC I427a. "(3) sales of corn for use in the production of alcohol for motor fuel at facilities that— "(A) began operation after January 4, 1980, and "(B) whenever supplies of corn are not readily available, can produce alcohol from agricultural or forestry biomass feedstocks other than corn, when sold at not less than the price at which producers may repay producer storage loans and redeem corn prior to the maturity dates of loans, as determined under clause (5) of the third sentence of subsection (b) of this section, or, whenever the fuel conversion price (as defined in section 212 of the Agricultural Trade Suspension Adjustment Act of 1980) for com exceeds 7 USC 4005. such price, at not less than the fuel conversion price. "(g) The Secretary may, with the concurrence of the owner of grain stored under the program authorized by this section, reconcentrate all such grain stored in commercial warehouses at such points as the Secretary deems to be in the public interest, taking into account such factors as transportation and normal marketing patterns. The Secretary shall permit rotation of stocks and facilitate maintenance of quality under regulations which assure that the holding producer or warehouseman shall, at all times, have available for delivery at the designated place of storage both the quantity and quality of grain covered by the producer's or warehouseman's commitment. "(h) Whenever grain is stored under the provisions of this section, the Secretary may buy and sell at an equivalent price, allowing for the customary location and grade differentials, substantially equivalent quantities of grain in different locations or warehouses to the extent needed to properly handle, rotate, distribute, and locate such commodities which the Commodity Credit Corporation owns or con-