Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/588

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 562


Ante, p. 535.

SEC. 905. (a) Section 330(b)(3) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c(b)(3)) is amended by adding at the end the following: "After the date of the enactment of part A of title XIX, the Secretary may not designate a medically underserved population or remove the designation of such a population unless the Secretary provides reasonable notice and opportunity for comment and consults with the chief executive officer of the State in which the population is located and appropriate local officials. The Secretary shall prescribe criteria for determining the specific shortages of personal health services of an area or population group. Such criteria shall include infant mortality in an area or population group, other factors indicative of the health status of a population group or residents of an area, the ability of the residents of an area or of a population group to pay for health services and their accessibility to them, and the availability of health professionals to residents of an area or to a population group.". G)) Section 330(e)(2) of such Act is amended by inserting before the second sentence the following: "Such an application shall also include a demonstration by the applicant that the area or a population group to be served by the applicant has a shortage of personal health services and that the center will be located so that it will provide services to the greatest number of persons residing in such area or included in such population group. Such a demonstration shall be made on the basis of the criteria prescribed by the Secretary under subsection (b)(3) or on any other criteria which the Secretary may prescribe to determine if the area or population group to be served by the applicant has a shortage of personal health services.". AUDITS OF GRANTS TO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS


SEC. 906. Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c) is amended by adding at the end the following: "(h)(1) Each entity which receives a grant under subsection (d) shall provide for an independent annual financial audit of any books, accounts, financial records, files, and other papers and property which relate to the disposition or use of the funds received under such grant and such other funds received by or allocated to the project for which such grant was made. For purposes of assuring accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the disposition or use of the funds received, each such audit shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Each audit shall evaluate— "(A) the entity's implementation of the guidelines established by the Secretary respecting cost accounting, "(B) the processes used by the entity to meet the financial and program reporting requirements of the Secretary, and "(C) the billing and collection procedures of the entity and the relation of the procedures to its fee schedule and schedule of discounts and to the availability of health insurance and public programs to pay for the health services it provides. A report of each such audit shall be filed with the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may require. "(2) Each entity which receives a grant under subsection (d) shall establish and maintain such records as the Secretary shall by regulation require to facilitate the audit required by paragraph (1). The Secretary may specify by regulation the form and manner in which such records shall be established and maintained.