Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/878

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 852

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981

conditions. Other than criteria for participation in the State's work incentive demonstration project, which shall be uniform throughout the State, the components of the program may vary by geographic area or by political subdivision. Program "(d) A State's work incentive demonstration program, if initially duration. approved, shall be in force for a three-year period. During this period, the State may elect to use up to six months for planning purposes. During such planning period, all requirements of part A and this part 42 USC 601, 630. C shall remain in full force and effect, Evaluations by "(e) The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall conduct two HHS Secretary. evaluations of a State's work incentive demonstration program. The first evaluation shall be conducted at the conclusion of the first twelve months of operation of the demonstration program. The second evaluation shall be conducted at the conclusion of the demonstration program. Both evaluations shall compare placement rates during the demonstration program with placement rates achieved during a number of previous years, to be determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Funding. "(f)(1) For each year of its demonstration program, a State which is operating such program shall be funded in an amount equal to its initial annual 1981 allocation under the work incentive program set forth in this part, plus any other Federal funds which the State may properly receive under any statute for establishing work programs for recipients of aid to families with dependent children. "(2) Such funds shall only be used by the State for administering and operating its work incentive demonstration program. These funds shall not be used for direct grants of assistance under the aid to families with dependent children program. "(g) Earnings derived from participation in a State's work incentive demonstration program shall not result in a determination of financial ineligibility for assistance under the aid to families with dependent children program.". EFFECT OF PARTICIPATION IN A STRIKE ON ELIGIBILITY FOR AFDC

42 USC 602.

SEC. 2310. Section 402(a) of the Social Security Act is amended by inserting after paragraph (20) the following new paragraph: "(21) provide— "(A) that, for purposes of this part, participation in a strike shall not constitute good cause to leave, or to refuse to seek or accept employment; and "(B)(i) that aid to families with dependent children is not payable to a family for any month in which any caretaker relative with whom the child is living is, on the last day of such month, participating in a strike, and (ii) that no individual's needs shall be included in determining the amount of aid payable for any month to a family under the plan if, on the last day of such month, such individual is participating in a strike;". AGE LIMIT OF DEPENDENT CHILD

42 USC 606.

SEC. 2311. Section 406(a)(2) of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: "(2) who is (A) under the age of eighteen, or (B) at the option of the State, under the age of nineteen and a full-time student m a secondary school (or in the equivalent level of vocational or technical training), if, before he attains age nineteen, he may reason-