Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1341

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-295—OCT. 12, 1982

96 STAT. 1299

"(1) the conclusions of the President related to the survivability, cost-effectiveness, and combat effectiveness of the vessel requested; "(2) a recommendation whether the vessel should be nuclear or conventionally powered; and "(3) the reasons for the conclusions and recommendations.". (B) The analysis of chapter 633 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following item: "7310. Policy in constructing combatant vessels.".

(50)(A) Sections 7391-7394 are repealed. ?n?ftr' (B) The analysis of chapter 639 is amended by striking out iqaV 7^04 items 7391-7394. 7dyi-/rfy4. (C) Subtitle A is amended by inserting at the end of chapter 165 the following: "CHAPTER 167—DEFENSE MAPPING AGENCY "Sec. "2791. "2792. "2793. "2794.

Establishment and duties. Maps, charts, and books. Pilot charts. Prices of maps, charts, and navigational publications.

"§ 2791. Establishment and duties "The Defense Mapping Agency is an agency of the Department of Defense. The Defense Mapping Agency shall improve means of navigating vessels of the Navy and the merchant marine by providing, under the authority of the Secretary of Defense, accurate and inexpensive nautical charts, sailing directions, books on navigation, and manuals of instructions for the use of all vessels of the United States and of navigators generally. "§ 2792. Maps, charts, and books "The Secretary of Defense may— "(1) have the Defense Mapping Agency prepare maps, charts, and nautical books required in navigation and have those materials published and furnished to navigators; and "(2) buy the plates and copyrights of existing maps, charts, books on navigation, and sailing directions and instructions. "§ 2793. Pilot charts "(a) There shall be conspicuously printed on pilot charts prepared in the Defense Mapping Agency the following: 'Prepared from data furnished by the Defense Mapping Agency of the Department of Defense and by the Department of Commerce, and published at the Defense Mapping Agency under the authority of the Secretary of Defense'. "(b) The Secretary of Commerce shall furnish to the Defense Mapping Agency, as quickly as possible, all meteorological information received by the Secretary that is necessary for, and of the character used in, preparing pilot charts. "§ 2794. Prices of maps, charts, and navigational publications "All maps, charts, and other publications offered for sale by the Defense Mapping Agency shall be sold at prices and under regulations that may be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense.".

10 USC 2791.

10 USC 2792.

10 USC 2793.

10 USC 2794.