Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1436

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 1394

Planning estimates.

29 USC 49f.

PUBLIC LAW 97-300—OCT. 13, 1982

amounts available for payments to all States for such fiscal year. For each succeeding fiscal year, the allotment percentage for each such State shall be the percentage that the State received under this Act for the preceding fiscal year of the total amounts available for allotments for all States for such fiscal year. "(3) For each fiscal year, no State shall receive a total allotment under paragraphs (1) and (2) which is less than 0.28 percent of the total amount available for allotments for all States. "(4) The Secretary shall reserve such amount, not to exceed 3 percent of the sums available for allotments under this section for each fiscal year, as shall be necessary to assure that each State will have a total allotment under this section sufficient to provide staff and other resources necessary to carry out employment service activities and related administrative and support functions on a statewide basis. "(5) The Secretary shall, not later than March 15 of fiscal year jggg ^^(j each succeeding fiscal year, provide preliminary planning estimates and shall, not later than May 15 of each such fiscal year, provide final planning estimates, showing each State's projected allocation for the following year. "SEC. 7. (a) Ninety percent of the sums allotted to each State pursuant to section 6 may be used— "(1) for job search and placement services to job seekers including counseling, testing, occupational and labor market information, assessment, and referral to employers; "(2) for appropriate recruitment services and special technical services for employers; and "(3) for any of the following activities: "(A) evaluation of programs; "(B) developing linkages between services funded under this Act and related Federal or State legislation, including the provision of labor exchange services at education sites; "(C) providing services for workers who have received notice of permanent layoff or impending layoff, or workers in occupations which are experiencing limited demand due to technological change, impact of imports, or plant closures; "(D) developing and providing labor market and occupational information; "(E) developing a management information system and compiling and analyzing reports therefrom; and "(F) administering the work test for the State unemployment compensation system and providing job finding and placement services for unemployment insurance claimants. "(b) Ten percent of the sums allotted to each State pursuant to section 6 shall be reserved for use in accordance with this subsection by the Governor of each such State to provide— "(1) performance incentives for public employment service offices and programs, consistent with performance standards established by the Secretary, taking into account direct or indirect placements (including those resulting from self-directed job search or group job search activities assisted by such offices or programs), wages on entered employment, retention, and other appropriate factors; "(2) services for groups with special needs, carried out pursuant to joint agreements between the employment service and the appropriate private industry council and chief elected offi-