Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/349

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-243—AUG. 26, 1982

96 STAT. 307

The initial Monument management plan may be expressed as an amendment to the October 1981 Mount St. Helens Land Management Plan. Subsequent Monument plans shall be integrated with and periodically revised as a component of the Gifford Pinchot land management planning process. The plan shall include but not be limited to: (1) measures for the preservation of the natural geologic and ecologic processes and integrity of the resources; (2) indications of types, locations, and general intensities of development and access routes associated with the public understanding, use, and enjoyment of the area, including anticipated timetables and costs; (3) identification of, and implementation plans for, visitor carrying capacities of the area; and (4) indications of any potential modifications of the external boundaries of the area, and the reasons therefor. MANAGEMENT OF ADJACENT FEDERAL LANDS

SEC. 6. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing or directing the establishment of protective perimeters or buffer zones around the Monument for the purpose of precluding activities outside the Monument boundary which would otherwise be permitted under applicable law. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting the existing authority of the Secretary to take actions on Federal lands adjacent to the Monument necessary to protect public health and safety in emergencies involving volcanic activity. SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD

SEC. 7. (a) There is hereby established the Mount St. Helens Scientific Advisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"). The Secretary shall consult with and seek the advice and recommendations of the Board with respect to— (1) the measures needed to protect and manage the natural and scientific values of the Monument; and (2) the administration of the Monument with respect to policies, programs, and activities which are specifically intended to retain the natural ecologic and geologic processes and integrity of the Monument. The Board may make recommendations to the Secretary in regard to new research opportunities which may exist within the Monument designed to gain scientific information for future interpretation and enjoyment by visitors to the Monument. No recommendation by the Board shall be binding upon the Secretary. (b) The Board shall be composed of nine members, who shall be individuals with recognized professional standing in appropriate scientific disciplines, as follows: (1) three members appointed by the Secretary (one of whom shall be a professional employee of the Forest Service); (2) two members appointed by the Secretary of the Interior (one of whom shall be a professional employee of the United States Geological Survey); (3) two members appointed by the Governor of the State of Washington from among professional employees of the State of Washington; and

Mount St. Helens Scientific Advisory Board. Establishment.

New research opportunities, recommendations. Membership.