Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/814

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 772

PUBLIC LAW 97-253—SEPT. 8, 1982 crop as soon as practicable after a producer enters into a land diversion contract with the Secretary and in advance of any determination of performance, but in no case prior to October 1, 1982. If a producer fails to comply with a land diversion contract after obtaining an advance payment under this subparagraph, the producer shall repay the advance immediately and, in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary, pay interest on the advance.'. Subtitle D—Agricultural Export Promotion

7 USC 612c note.

SEC. 135. Effective for each of the fiscal years ending September 30, 1983, September 30, 1984, and September 30, 1985, the Secretary of Agriculture shall use not less than $175,000,000 nor more than $190,000,000 of funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation for export activities authorized to be carried out by the Secretary or by the Commodity Credit Corporation under the provisions of law in effect on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding the fact that the activity may not be included in the budget program of the Corporation. The Secretary shall carry out the program authorized by this section through the Commodity Credit Corporation. The authority provided in this section shall be in addition to, and not in place of, any authority granted to the Secretary of Agriculture or the Commodity Credit Corporation under any other provision of law.

Food Stamp Act

Subtitle E—Food Stamp Act Amendments of 1982

Amendments of 1982. SHORT TITLE

7 USC 2011 note.

SEC. 140. This subtitle may be cited as the "Food Stamp Act Amendments of 1982". REFERENCES TO THE FOOD STAMP ACT OF 1977

SEC. 141. Except as otherwise specifically provided, whenever in this subtitle an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.). HOUSEHOLD DEFINITION

SEC. 142. Section 3(i) (7 U.S.C. 2012(i)) is amended by CD in the first sentence— (A) inserting ", or siblings," after "children"; and (B) inserting ", or siblings," after "the parents"; and (2) inserting after the first sentence the following new sentence: "Notwithstanding clause (1) of the preceding sentence, an individual who lives with others, who is sixty years of age or older, and who is unable to purchase food and prepare meals because such individual suffers, as certified by a licensed physician, from a disability which would be considered a permanent disability under section 221(i) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 421(i)) or from a severe, permanent, and disabling physical or mental infirmity which is not symptomatic of a disease shall be considered, together with any of the others who is the spouse of such individual, an individual household, without