Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1064

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97 STAT. 1032 PUBLIC LAW 98-164—NOV. 22, 1983 services to foreign students studying, or intending to study, in the United States. (b) Of the funds authorized to be appropriated for the United States Information Agency for the fiscal year 1985, not less than $123,100,000 shall be available only for grants for the Fulbright Academic Exchange Programs and the International Visitor Pro- gram, and not less than $4,435,000 shall be available only for grants for the Humphrey Fellowship Program. Limitation. 22 USC 2460 note. Waiver. Report to Congress. PRIVATE SECTOR PROGRAM SEC. 207. (a) No funds authorized to be appropriated for the Private Sector Program shall be used to pay for foreign travel by any United States citizen who, in the five years preceding the date of the proposed foreign travel, made two or more trips financed in whole or in substantial part by grants from the Private Sector Program. This limitation shall not apply to escort interpreters accompanying delegations, to artists accompanying exhibitions, to persons engaging in theatrical or musical performances, or to the full-time staff of the grantee organization. In addition, the Director of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs may waive this limitation in exceptional cases if he determines that foreign travel is essential to the successful completion of the grant program and so certifies in writing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate at least fifteen days prior to the commencement of the proposed foreign travel. (b) Not later than January 31 of each year, the Director of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report listing all individuals, with their organization, who in the preceding five years made two or more trips involving foreign travel financed in whole or substantial part by grants from the Private Sector Program. Grants. Membership criteria. INTERNATIONAL YOUTH YEAR SEC. 208. (a) From the funds allocated to the Private Sector Program, the United States Information Agency may make grants to youth and youth service organizations in support of activities to promote participation by American young people in the activities of International Youth Year. Activities to be supported shall involve exchange-of-persons. Grants under this subsection shall be subject to all applicable guidelines and notification requirements, except that organizations receiving such grants shall not be subject to the funding limitation on newer organizations which is contained in the "ECA Grant Guidelines" which were submitted to the Congress on May 4, 1983 (see pages 42-44 of the report of the Committee on Foreign Relations on S. 1342 (Senate Report Numbered 98-143) and pages 66-68 of the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs to accompany H.R. 2915 (House of Representatives Report Numbered 98-130)). (b) The Secretary of State shall ensure that any organization designated by the United States Government, or any agency thereof, as the official United States commission or committee for United States participation in International Youth Year meets the follow- ing criteria: (1) the membership of such organization is open to all