Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1237

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PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 97 STAT. 1205 which has a resale structure which enables the cooperative to maintain affordability for lower income families; and "(5) the term 'grantee' means— "(A) any city or urban county receiving resources under this section; "(B) any State administering a rental rehabilitation or development program as provided in subsection (f); and "(C) any unit of general local government which receives assistance from the Secretary as provided in subsection (f)(2). The Secretary shall encourage cooperation by units of general local government in the administration of grants under this section by permitting consortia of geographically proximate units of general local government to apply for assistance on behalf of their members, including establishment of eligibility under subsection (b) for consor- tia whose combined populations exceed fifty thousand and which can otherwise meet the requirements of such subsection. Any amounts made available to such a consortium shall be deducted from the allocation to the State in which the units of general local government are located. "(1) REVIEW AND AUDIT.— The Secretary shall, at least on an annual basis, make such reviews and audits as may be necessary or appropriate to determine— "(1) where the grantee is a unit of general local government or a State carrying out its own program as provided in subsec- tion (fKD, whether the grantee has carried out its activities in a timely manner and in accordance with the requirements of this section, and has a continuing capacity to carry out those activi- ties in a timely manner; and "(2) where the grantee is a State distributing resources made available under this section to units of general local government as provided in subsection (e)(2), whether the State (A) has distributed such resources in a timely manner and in accord- ance with the requirements of this section, and (B) has made such reviews and audits of the units of general local govern- ment as may be necessary or appropriate to determine whether they have satisfied the performance criteria described in para- graph (1). In addition to the adjustments based on performance authorized by subsection (b)(2), the Secretary may adjust, reduce, or withdraw resources made available to States and units of general local govern- ment receiving assistance under this section, or take other action as appropriate in accordance with the findings of these reviews and audits, except that resources already expended on eligible activities shall not be recaptured or deducted from future resources made available to the grantee. Any amounts which become available as a result of actions under this paragraph shall be reallocated in the year in which they become available to such grantee or grantees as the Secretary may determine. "(m) PERFORMANCE REPORT. —Prior to the beginning of fiscal year 1985 and each fiscal year thereafter, each grantee shall submit to the Secretary a performance report concerning the activities carried out pursuant to this section, together with an assessment by the grantee of the relationship of these activities to the objectives of this section. Such report shall contain an analysis of the program's cost effectiveness, the type and income levels of tenants who benefit from the rehabilitation program, any tenant displacement resulting from C!onsortium. Submittal to Secretary.