Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1309

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PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 97 STAT. 1277 such an extent that exchange rates do not appear to reflect adjustments based on trade patterns alone; (2) a review and analysis of— "(A) the ability of the Fund to promote real economic growth and sustained, noninflationary recovery, pursuant to its mandate in article I of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund, in countries which enter into stabilization pro grams with the Fund; "(B) the feasibility of the Fund issuing securities in the private capital markets as a means of increasing its resources, either in lieu of, or in addition to, future quota increases, together with an evaluation of how such borrow- ing would affect the credit markets of the United States; (C) the feasibility of returning all or part of the Fund's gold reserves to Fund members or of selling the Fund's gold reserves in the private markets in an effort to raise capital; "(D) the feasibility of establishing temporary, supplemen- tal financing facilities at the Fund; "(E) the feasibility of establishing a Gold Lending Facility whereby the Fund would lend gold to Fund members who would in turn usc such gold as collateral for commercial loans; "(F) recommendations for amendments to the Articles of Agreement of the Fund, if any, to improve the role of the Fund in the international monetary system; and "(G) the effect on (i) the market price of gold, (ii) countries whose central banks maintain reserves in the form of gold and (iii) credit markets of the United States as a result of taking any of the actions described in subparagraphs (C), (D), or (E) of this paragraph; "(3) actions which have been taken to carry out the provisions of section 33 of this Act; "(4) progress made in implementing section 48 of this Act; "(5) a study on the past and potentied impact of Fund loan quota extension on world oil prices, such study to be done in cooperation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Energy; "(6) an assessment— "(A) of whether under present circumstances a system- atic restructuring and stretching out of developing country debt should be conducted; "(B) regarding the role global recovery will play in solv- ing the debt crisis and what interim financing measures may have to be taken for those countries which have no possibility of continuing to service their debts even in the event of a vigorous economic recovery; "(C) of whether the Fund, which is increasingly being used as a source of credit to finance balance of payments deficits, has adeqate resources to cover all conceivable requests for credit extensions taking into account the quota increase consented to under section 41 of this Act; "(D) regarding what role the United States Government sees for the Fund in providing finance and credit to the least developed countries who have such a limited capacity to borrow to finance payments deficits; and "(E) pursuant to the agreement at the Williamsburg Summit, outlining what progress has been made in the Review and analysis. 22 USC 286s. Ante, p. 1274. Study. Ante, p. 1268.