Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1320

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97 STAT. 1288 PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 CONDITION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM SEC. 1102. (a) The Congress finds and declares that— (1) the international banking system is currently threatened by a series of national financial crises; (2) the Congress is desirous of finding a solution to the current monetary crisis which will result in a stable monetary system and preservation of a liberal international economy; (3) this solution must be found without placing inordinate pressures on United States credit markets; (4) the breakdown in the Bretton Woods monetary system has contributed directly to these problems; (5) the economic policies prescribed by the International Mon- etary Fund can be harmful to economic growth; and (6) the International Monetary Fund currently holds approxi- mately $40,000,000,000 of uncommitted assets in the form of gold bullion and has not utilized them fully to date. (b) It is the sense of the Senate that— (1) restoration of a stable monetary system is necessary to assure economic growth and to maintain a liberal international economic system; (2) as a first step toward this restoration the Secretary of the Treasury should call for an international conference on the monetary system to investigate its systemic problems; (3) in coping with the current financial crisis, the Interna- tional Monetary Fund should make fuller use of its current assets, including its gold holdings; (4) the International Monetary Fund should revise the condi- tions placed on its loans so as to encoursige economic growth. GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES Of the funds appropriated under this heading in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appro- Ante, p. 219. priation Act, 1984 (Public Law 98-45), $1,000,000 shall be available for an evaluation of the emergency veterans' job training program. CHAPTER II LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE PAYMENT TO WIDOWS AND HEIRS OF DECEASED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS For payment to Helen H. Jackson, widow of Henry M. Jackson, late a Senator from the State of Washington, $69,800. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OFFICES OF THE MAJORITY AND MINORITY LEADERS For an additional amount for "Offices of the Majority and Minor- ity Leaders", $140,000.