Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1361

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PUBLIC LAW 98-191—DEC. 1, 1983 97 STAT. 1329 "(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to— "(A) permit the Administrator to authorize procurement or supply support, either directly or indirectly, to recipients of Federal grants or assistance; or "(B) authorize any action by such recipients contrary to State and local laws, in the case of programs to provide Federal grants or assistance to States and political subdivisions.". AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 6. Section 11 (41 U.S.C. 410) is amended to read as follows: "AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS "SEC. 11. There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the provisions of this Act, and for no other purpose, $4,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, and for each of the three succeeding fiscal years.". EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMS; ADDITIONAL PROCUREMENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXECUTIVE AGENCIES SEC. 7. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sections: " T ESTS OF INNOVATIVE PROCUREMENT METHODS AND PROCEDURES "SEC. 15. (a) The Administrator may develop innovative procure- 4i usc 413. ment methods and procedures to be tested by selected executive agencies. The innovative procurement methods and procedures tested under this subsection shall be consistent with the policies set forth in section 2. In developing any program to test innovative procurement methods and procedures under this subsection, the Administrator shall consult with the heads of executive agencies to— "(1) ascertain the need for and specify the objectives of such program; "(2) develop the guidelines and procedures for carrying out such program and the criteria to be used in measuring the success of such program; "(3) evaluate the potential costs and benefits which may be derived from the innovative procurement methods and proce- dures tested under such program; "(4) select the appropriate executive agencies or components of executive agencies to carry out such program; "(5) specify the categories and types of products or services to be procured under such program; and "(6) develop the methods to be used to analyze the results of such program. A program to test innovative procurement methods and procedures may not be carried out unless approved by the heads of the execu- tive agencies selected to carry out such program. "(b) If the Administrator determines that it is necessary to waive Notification to the application of any provision of law in order to carry out a congressional proposed program to test innovative procurement methods and committees. procedures under subsection (a), the Administrator shall transmit notice of the proposed program to the Committee on Government