Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1457

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PUBLIC LAW 98-212 —DEC. 8, 1983 97 STAT. 1425 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEFENSE AGENCIES For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the oper- ation and maintenance of activities and agencies of the Department of Defense (other than the military departments), as authorized by law, $6,446,652,000, of which not to exceed $8,571,000 can be used for emergencies and extraordinary expenses, to be expended on the approval or authority of the Secretary of Defense, and payments may be made on his certificate of necessity for confidential military purposes. Of the total amount of this appropriation, not less than $78,000,000 shall be available only for the maintenance of real property facilities. DEFENSE STOCK FUND For the Defense stock fund; $43,600,000. DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL FUND For the Defense industrial fund; $150,000,000. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY RESERVE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the oper- ation and maintenance, including training, organization, and ad- ministration, of the Army Reserve; repair of facilities and equip- ment; hire of passenger motor vehicles; travel and transportation; care of the dead; recruiting; procurement of services, supplies, and equipment; and communications, $683,850,000, of which not less than $39,000,000 shall be available only for maintenance of real property facilities. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, NAVY RESERVE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the operation and maintenance, including training, organization, and administration, of the Navy Reserve; repair of facilities and equip- ment; hire of passenger motor vehicles; travel and transportation; care of the dead; recruiting; procurement of services, supplies, and equipment; and communications, $634,500,000, of which not less than $29,500,000 shall be available only for the maintenance of real property facilities. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, MARINE CORPS RESERVE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the oper- ation and maintenance, including training, organization, and ad- ministration, of the Marine Corps Reserve; repair of facilities and equipment; hire of passenger motor vehicles; travel and transporta- tion; care of the dead; recruiting; procurement of services, supplies, and equipment; and communications, $52,129,000, of which not less than $2,200,000 shall be available only for the maintenance of real property facilities. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR FORCE RESERVE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the oper- ation and maintenance, including training, organization, and ad-