Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/192

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97 STAT. 160 PUBLIC LAW 98-21 —APR. 20, 1983 (otherwise described in subsection (b)(3)(B)) for discharges in that fiscal year, and which will take into account amounts necessary for the efficient and effective delivery of medically appropriate and necessary care of high quality. Publication in "(5) The Secretary shall cause to have published for public com- Federal ment in the Federal Register, not later than— Kegister. «^^^ ^^IQ June 1 before each fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 1986), the Secretary's proposed determination under para- graph (4) for that fiscal year, and "(B) the September 1 before such fiscal year after such consid- eration of public comment on the proposal as is feasible in the time available, the Secretary's final determination under such paragraph for that year. The Secretary shall include in the publication referred to in subpar- agraph (A) for a fiscal year the report of the Commission's recom- mendations submitted under paragraph (3) for that fiscal year. "(6)(A) The Commission shall consist of 15 individuals. Members of the Commission shall first be appointed no later than April 1, 1984, for a term of three years, except that the Director may provide initially for such shorter terms as will insure that (on a continuing basis) the terms of no more than seven members expire in any one year. "(B) The membership of the Commission shall provide expertise and experience in the provision and financing of health care, includ- ing physicians and registered professional nurses, employers, third party payors, individuals skilled in the conduct and interpretation of biomedical, health services, and health economics research, and individuals having expertise in the research and development of technological and scientific advances in health care. The Director shall seek nominations from a wide range of groups, including— "(i) national organizations representing physicians, including medical specialty organizations and registered professional nurses and other skilled health professionals; "(ii) national organizations representing hospitals, including teaching hospitals; "(iii) national organizations representing manufacturers of health care products; and "(iv) national organizations representing the business commu- nity, health benefit programs, labor, and the elderly. "(C) Subject to such review as the Office deems necessary to assure the efficient administration of the Commission, the Commis- sion may— "(i) employ and fix the compensation of such personnel (not to exceed 25) as may be necessary to carry out its duties; "(ii) seek such assistance and support as may be required in the performance of its duties from appropriate Federal depart- ments and agencies; "(iii) enter into contracts or make other arrangements, as may be necessary for the conduct of the work of the Commission; "(iv) make advance, progress, and other payments which relate to the work of the Commission; "(v) provide transportation and subsistence for persons serv- ing without compensation; and "(vi) prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems neces- sary with respect to the internal organization and operation of the Commission.