Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/547

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PUBLIC LAW 98-89 —AUG. 26, 1983 97 STAT. 515 (C) equipped with proper plumbing and mechanical appli- ances required by law and regulations, and the appliances are in good working condition. § 3309. Certiflcate of inspection (a) When an inspection under section 3307 of this title has been made and a vessel has been found to be in compliance with the requirements of law and regulations, a certificate of inspection, in a form prescribed by the Secretary, shall be issued to the vessel. (b) The Secretary may issue a temporary certificate of inspection in place of a regular certificate of inspection issued under subsection (a) of this section. § 3310. Records of certification The Secretary shall keep records of certificates of inspection of vessels and of all acts in the examination and inspection of vessels, whether of approval or disapproval. § 3311. Certificate of inspection required A vessel subject to inspection under this part may not be operated without having on board a valid certificate of inspection issued under section 3309 of this title. § 3312. Display of certificate of inspection The certificate of inspection issued to a vessel under section 3309 of this title shall be displayed, suitably framed, in a conspicuous place on the vessel. When it is not practicable to so display the certificate, it shall be carried in the manner prescribed by regulation. § 3313. Compliance with certificate of inspection (a) During the term of a vessel's certificate of inspection, the vessel must be in compliance with its conditions, unless relieved by a suspension or an exemption granted under section 3306(e) of this title. (h) When a vessel is not in compliance with its certificate or fails to meet a standard prescribed by this part or a regulation prescribed under this part— (1) the owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, master, or individual in charge shall be ordered in writing to correct the noted deficiencies promptly; (2) the Secretary may permit any repairs to be made at a place most convenient to the owner, charterer, or managing operator when the Secretary decides the repairs can be made with safety to those on board and the vessel; (3) the vessel may be required to cease operating at once; and (4) if necessary, the certificate shall be suspended or revoked. (c) The vessel's certificate of inspection shall be revoked if a condition unsafe to life that is ordered to be corrected under this section is not corrected at once. (d) The owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, master, or individual in charge of a vessel whose certificate has been suspended or revoked shall be given written notice immediately of the suspen- sion or revocation. The owner or master may appeal to the Secretary Appeal to the suspension or revocation within 30 days of receiving the notice. Secretary, as provided by regulations prescribed by the Secretary.