Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/600

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97 STAT. 568 PUBLIC LAW 98-89 —AUG. 26, 1983 Civil penalty. (c) Only an allotment complying with this section is lawful. A person fedsely claiming qualification as an allottee under this sec- tion is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more than $500. (d) The owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, or master of a vessel seeking clearance from a port of the United States shall present the agreement at the office of clearance. Clearance may be granted to a vessel only if this section has been complied with. (e) This section applies to a foreign vessel when in waters of the United States. An owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, or master of a foreign vessel violating this section is liable to the Government for the same penalty as an owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, or master of a vessel of the United States for the same violation. § 10316. Trusts Sections 10314 and 10315 of this title do not prevent an employer from making deductions from the wages of a seaman, with the written consent of the seaman, if— (1) the deductions are paid into a trust fund established only for the benefit of seamen employed by that employer, and the families and dependents of those seamen (or of those seamen, families, and dependents jointly with other seamen employed by other employers, and the families and dependents of the other seamen); and (2) the pa3mients are held in trust to provide, from principal or interest, or both, any of the following benefits for those seamen and their families and dependents: (A) medical or hospital care, or both. (B) pensions on retirement or death of the seaman. (C) life insurance. (D) unemployment benefits. (E) compensation for illness or injuries resulting from occupational activity. (F) sickness, accident, and disability compensation. (G) purchasing insurance to provide any of the benefits specified in this section. § 10317. Loss of lien and right to wages A master or seaman by any agreement other than one provided for in this chapter may not forfeit the master's or seaman's lien on the vessel or be deprived of a remedy to which the master or seaman otherwise would be entitled for the recovery of wages. A stipulation in an agreement inconsistent with this chapter, or a stipulation by which a seaman consents to abandon a right to wages if the vessel is lost, or to abandon a right the seaman may have or obtain in the nature of salvage, is void. § 10318. Wages on discharge in foreign ports (a) When a master or seaman applies to a consular officer for the discharge of the seaman, the consular officer shall require the master to pay the seaman's wages if it appears that the seaman has carried out the ajgreement required by section 10302 of this title or otherwise is entitled to be discharged. Then the consular officer shall discharge the seaman. A consular officer shall require the payment of extra wages only as provided in this section or in Post, p. 574. chapter 109 of this title.